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1255 days ago

Changelog History
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  • v1.2.0 Changes

    January 06, 2016

    ๐Ÿš€ With this release, BigInt supports watchOS and tvOS in addition to OS X and iOS. Deployment targets are as follows:

    • OS X 10.9
    • iOS 8
    • watchOS 2
    • tvOS 9

    ๐Ÿš€ BigInt 1.2.0 also features support for both Carthage and CocoaPods deployments.

  • v1.1.0 Changes

    January 06, 2016

    BigInt now contains enough functionality to pretend it's a respectable big integer lib. Some of the new additions since 1.0.0:

    • Conversion to/from NSData
    • Vanilla exponentiation
    • Algorithm to find the multiplicative inverse of an integer in modulo arithmetic
    • โœ… An implementation of the Miller-Rabin primality test
    • ๐Ÿ‘Œ Support for generating random big integers
    • ๐Ÿ‘ Better support for playgrounds in Xcode
    • ๐Ÿ“š Documentation for all public API
    • Fun new calculation samples
  • v1.0.0 Changes

    January 04, 2016

    ๐Ÿš€ This is the first release of the BigInt module, providing arbitrary precision integer arithmetic operations in pure Swift.

    Two big integer types are included: BigUInt and BigInt, the latter being the signed variant. Both of these are Swift structs with copy-on-write value semantics, and they can be used much like any other integer type.

    The library provides implementations for some of the most frequently useful functions on big integers, including

    • All functionality from Comparable and Hashable
    • The full set of arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
    • โž• Addition and subtraction have variants that allow for shifting the digits of the second operand on the fly.
    • Unsigned subtraction will trap when the result would be negative. (There are variants that return an overflow flag.)
    • Multiplication uses brute force for numbers up to 1024 digits, then switches to Karatsuba's recursive method. ๐Ÿ‘€ (This limit is configurable, see BigUInt.directMultiplicationLimit.) A fused multiply-add method is also available.
    • Division uses Knuth's Algorithm D, with its 3/2 digits wide quotient approximation. It will trap when the divisor is zero. BigUInt.divmod returns the quotient and remainder at once; this is faster than calculating them separately.
    • Bitwise operators: ~, |, &, ^, |=, &=, ^=, plus the following read-only properties:
    • width: the minimum number of bits required to store the integer,
    • trailingZeroBitCount: the number of trailing zero bits in the binary representation,
    • leadingZeroBitCount: the number of leading zero bits (when the last digit isn't full),
    • Shift operators: >>, <<, >>=, <<=
    • Left shifts need to allocate memory to extend the digit array, so it's probably not a good idea to left shift a BigUInt by 250 bits.
    • Radix conversion between Strings and big integers up to base 36 (using repeated divisions).
    • Big integers use this to implement StringLiteralConvertible (in base 10).
    • sqrt(n): The square root of an integer (using Newton's method)
    • โœ… BigUInt.gcd(n, m): The greatest common divisor of two integers (Stein's algorithm)
    • BigUInt.powmod(base, exponent, modulus): Modular exponentiation (right-to-left binary method):

    The implementations are intended to be reasonably efficient, but they are unlikely to be competitive with GMP at all, even when I happened to implement an algorithm with same asymptotic behavior as GMP. (I haven't performed a comparison benchmark, though.)

    โœ… The library has 100% unit test coverage.