Changelog History
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v4.0.1 Changes
February 18, 2021🔀 Merged pull requests:
- 🛠 Fix bounds checks on binary search #4577 (jjatie)
- ➕ Added SPM build action #4576 (jjatie)
- ✅ Replace FBSnapshotTestCase with pointfree/swift-snapshot-testing #4574 (jjatie)
- 🛠 Fixed incorrect guard return statement when rendering limit lines #4563 (jjatie)
- SPM GitHub Action #4553 (jjatie)
- ChartViewBase cleanup #4537 (nuomi1)
- ➕ Add Tutorial #4516 (StewartLynch)
- Import swift algorithms #4497 (jjatie)
- ⚡️ Algorithm updates #3638 (jjatie)
v4.0.0 Changes
November 06, 2020🚀 v4.0.0 Pre-release
🔀 We have merged our long waited 4.0 branch into master. It adopts latest Swift trends and benefits and more flexbile and More swift!
🚀 This is a huge release as a lot of APIs have changed and adopted new protocols. So please expect it will break your code especially about the collection protocols. We will add a few Pull requests in the near future such as #4411.
🚀 The pre-release could last a little bit longer since we don't want to push people to update. But we do encourage people to try it out and give us feed back.
v3.6.0 Changes
September 21, 2020Implemented enhancements:
- Bars not showing bar chart #1742
🛠 Fixed bugs:
- Fatal error: Can't form Range with upperBound < lowerBound #4046
Closed issues:
- How to add string values in Y Axis for Example How show Mutli. graphs for months data? #4473
- 👍 Charts not supported by xcode 12 and swift compiler version 5.3 #4471
- How can i set each slice percentage different color? #4451
- 👌 Support for Swift Package manager #4450
- If you get an element of the histogram, then change the color #4446
- lineChartView.zoom() - how to obtain center x/y coordinates #4434
- ⚡️ Crash after updating to iOS 13.6 and Xcode 11.6 on NaN #4433
- Multiple Highlight points #4430
- DateValueFormatter uses wrong date #4427
- why y asix value is getting more and more high, how to disable it #4425
- One group bar chart how to use XAxis and YAxis, and then show different number to show two unit #4416
- 👍 Legend does not support dashed lines #4413
- How to get number of items displayed in yAxis #4412
- corner #4410
- corne人、 #4409
- How do you edit xAxis values? #4401
- Cannot get x axis label into center of the bar chart #4394
- 🚚 How the Remove the Background Graph lines from BarChart Graph #4388
- 🚚 How to Remove the Background Graph lines from BarChart Graph #4387
- ➕ Add Gradient to Bar Chart - BarChartDataSet #4385
- How to run playgrounds? #4384
- CDN: trunk URL couldn't be downloaded: Response: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK #4381
- Mac Catalyst compile error: no such module 'Charts' #4380
- How to display the data (one line has two different data( -1 ~0 and 0 -1) #4376
- Chart load with large amounts of data takes to much time #4372
- 使用复杂 #4369
- 0️⃣ Overriding DefaultAxisValueFormatter Doesn't Work #4365
- ⚡️ RadarCharView data update may cause crash #4361
- SwiftUI tutorial Bar Chart #4360
- drawGridLinesBehindDataEnabled has no effect on CombinedChart #4357
- - #4356
- 🏗 iOS Charts subclass Markerview use Swift always Build Error in “xxx-Swift.h” #4355
- Set images on xAxis on HorizontalBarChartView #4353
- How to set spacing between bars on a BarChartDataEntry #4352
- Swift 5.0 in 4.0.0 Branch? #4351
- Rounded bars swift5 #4350
- 🏗 The “Swift Language Version” (SWIFT_VERSION) build setting must be set to a supported value for targets which use Swift. This setting can be set in the build settings editor. #4347
- ⬇️ DropDowm pod for xcode 9 #4346
- How to creat a custom LimitLine with two labels #4344
- 🚚 How to remove top grid line for line chart #4343
- Bars not showing BarChart #4337
- Compiler issue Xcode 11.4 swift 5.2 using Carthage #4335
- Radar type 有没有圆形结构呢? #4332
- 🏗 Build error Module compiled with Swift 5.1.3 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.2 compiler #4322
- 🚚 linecharts moveViewToX不起作用 #4313
- Compatibility with SwiftUI #4305
- CGAffineTransformInvert: singular matrix #4290
- BarChart.setData() not working #4284
- Combined chart (Scatter and Line) producing random results. #4261
- 🗄 Using charts with Mac Catalyst generate many deprecated warnings. #4249
- entries属性只能readonly了吗 能不能改成可以读写 #4108
- Draw gradient line in line chart #537
🔀 Merged pull requests:
v3.5.0 Changes
April 16, 2020Implemented enhancements:
- 🚚 Height of Half Pie Chart (white space in the chart where the removed bottom half from pie chart should be) #4033
Closed issues:
- 🚚 How to remove colors below bar chart #4334
- Last item is not displayed #4324
- The Demo app Doesn't compile for tvOS #4320
- Module compiled with Swift 5.1.2 cannot be imported by Swift 5.2 compiler #4317
- 👉 Show 'k' instead of ',000' in large numbers at leftAxis #4309
- 为什么x轴和柱子之间有空间呢? #4307
- 🗄 why Legend.position is deprecated? How do I set the position of the legend? #4306
- How to set 24 hour time format in x-axis of line chart? #4302
- can i customise your chart? #4301
- Getting the value of an item selected. #4295
- how to set the legend's position? #4292
- ChartLimitLine is not drawn as dashed #4291
- Legend not displayed correctly in iOS 13.2.2 #4289
- dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/Charts.framework/Charts XCODE 11.3.1 #4280
- ChartData::getDataSetByLabel always return the first IChartDataSet when ignorecase = true #4274
- How to use hover? #4267
- AxisRange and drag #4264
- How to add legends with X axis and Y axis values in the balloon marker view in IOS Charts? #4263
- Can we set two fill colors for line chart? #4260
- i do not want show some value How do it? #4255
should not returnfalse
#4253- x轴从数据量多切换到数据量少的时候 x轴间距变大 #4245
- Access level of ChartViewBase's API #4243
- 数据源都是0的时候有问题 #4241
- How to set space between Y-Axis labels and graph #4237
- HorizontalBarChartView,when I use setVisibleXRangeMaximum(5.0),xAxis cannot show all label #4235
- OverLap stackview chart - Selected color - Layout Stack bar #4234
- Xcode tries to use AppKit when compiling with Mac Catalyst #4233
- CombinedChartView Legend only shows line data info not info for other types #4230
- Legend in CombinedChartView only shows Legend for LineData #4229
- X-Axis setLabel with force enabled not working #4228
- Can BarChartDataEntry with multiple Y values render icon once instead of for each Y value? #4225
- Radar chart - cannot hide yAxis #4224
- Highlight does not respect the draw order. #4223
- Source not able to compile #4221
- How to render radar-chart with live data and dynamic array entries? #4220
- How to color one quadrant of the graph? #4219
- SwiftCharts: How to set space between x axis equally ? #4218
- ✅ How can i set xVals in line chat in latest version. #4217
- Separator between x-Axis value #4215
- Reload LineChartView with Button #4214
- Contains is not implemented in ChartDataSet, crashes when called #4212
- PieChart outside value label border #4210
- CombinedChartRenderer property : _renderers should be set open #4208
- Create special line chart #4207
- How can I add images on Y axis instead of values #4206
- 🚚 How to remove top and bottom extra space in LineChartView? #4205
- Bar Chart Gradient color issue #4203
- Y轴上数据是整数值,但刻度是小数应该怎么办?怎么才能让刻度值只显示整数? #4202
- How to add pieChartDataSet.sliceSpace only for the selected item? #4201
- [LineChartView] Issues with circles positions #4200
- BarChart bottom space when having a small value #4198
- Is there a way to add to the datapoint label in a line chart? #4196
- 🔄 Change position of data labels to bottom of the line in ios charts #4195
- Custom chart with overrided legendRenderer not working #4194
- Is this possible to use with project catalyst? #4193
- pageviewcontroller Cannot drag inside #4192
- How Pie chart Center Click Disable #4191
- How to set only given values to xAxis, set equal distance between those values? #4190
- How can i override the xAxisrenderer in RadarChartView #4189
- iOS Charts not showing all xAxis Value #4187
- How can I customize chart without modifying the source code? #4185
- ➕ Add Line Cap to Bar for Horizontal Bar Chart #4183
- X/Y coordinates being rounded to whole numbers instead of being presented as decimals #4182
- I need to draw peichart like below image #4177
- Candlestick xAxis label's too small when zoomed out #4176
- How to change the color of text that displayed inside the chart ios swift 4. #4174
- ⚙ runtime/cgo: could not obtain pthread_keys on Xcode 11 simulator #4173
- PieChartView show xValuePosition and yValuePosition on item press #4172
- 🚀 Should Version 4.0.0 be updated to include changes from recent releases? #4167
- How to control colors within a single dataSet? #4166
- X labels that display in 3.0.4 are not rendered in 3.0.5 #4165
- How to draw a circle markers when value is selected in Line Chart #4164
- LineChartView万级数据绘制缓慢卡顿 #4158
- UITableView does not scroll when dragging within chart for iOS 13. #4156
- How to properly subclass XAxis? #4155
- Line Chart ignores colors if mode is set to bezier. #4148
- BarChartRenderer FatalError: Index out of range #4146
- I have two ChartLimitLine and I need to know how to fill the area between them I'm using LineChartView #4142
- I can't set static count of y axes and labels #4139
- how can I set a Non-uniform coordinate Y-axis? #4137
- Buuble Chart event for Single bubble #4134
- 0️⃣ Default Colors Should Support Dark Mode [iOS 13] #4133
- Entries are Assignment to readonly property. #4126
- BarChartView have interval between bar and xaxis #4115
- can not draw circle on axis as the picture #4111
- Empty Line Chart, setVisibleXRangeMaximum causing Fatal error: Double cannot be converted to Int #4109
- Description is still saying OSX #4106
- Line Graph draggable points just in y-axis. #4059
- The x axis cannot draw displayed incorrectly. #4057
- Crash when using BarChartDataSet with BarChartData #4040
- leftAxis line disappears when filling area between two line charts. #4037
- Last value and highlight/selected values in candlestick chart #4036
- Last xAxis label cutting #4023
isn't extendable #3140- Non-Public API Usage #2899
- BarChartView: xAxis values are not aligned with bars #2106
- ✅ wanted beta testeur for new axe logarithmic #2102
🔀 Merged pull requests:
- 🛠 Fix warnings on current code base #4321 (liuxuan30)
- 🛠 Bugfix/legend offset double #4277 (danielgindi)
- 🛠 Fix for #4274 string comparison issue in ChartData::getDataSetByLabel #4275 (PeterKaminski09)
- ⏪ Restored correct velocity sampler #4273 (danielgindi)
- 🛠 Bugfix/pie highlight #4272 (danielgindi)
- Call chartViewDidEndPanning on when *panning* is ended #4271 (danielgindi)
- 0️⃣ labelXOffset = 10 is default for radar chart only #4270 (danielgindi)
- 👉 Use faster check for line whether it's inside drawing rect #4269 (danielgindi)
- 🔨 Refactor/cleanup #4268 (danielgindi)
- ➕ address #4033 draw half pie chart more accurate #4266 (liuxuan30)
- ⚡️ Update, added link to tutorial about Radar Charts. #4258 (DavidPiper94)
- 🔄 Changes to fix Catalyst compatibility #4254 (CAPIStkidd)
- Platform separation #4178 (jjatie)
- introduce gracefully degrading abstractions for dark mode for ios and… #4171 (motocodeltd)
- Performed recommended localization and internationalization changes. #4162 (coltonlemmon)
- 👉 Use interpolation instead of '+' concatenation for problematic expression #4123 (Jumhyn)
- 👍 Allowing overriding for YAxisRenderer.drawYLabels #4089 (muclemente)
- 🚚 move isDrawCirclesEnabled check further up in code to avoid creating … #4050 (xymtek)
v3.4.0 Changes
October 09, 2019🛠 Fixed bugs:
- Line charts: Line sections disappear when zoomed in (has PR). #4099
- Line chart x axis animation is broken #4093
- LineChartView.highlightValue causes CoreGraphics API errors #4043
- Horizontal Bezier Line Graph Not Drawing Through All Points #3960
- 👻 Index out of bounds exception in v3.2 in createAccessibleElement #3659
Closed issues:
- Xcode asking for constants instead of variables in Charts code #4161
- Blank space should not exist in BarChartView #4157
- Could not find module 'Charts' for target 'arm64-apple-ios'; found: x86_64-apple-ios-simulator, x86_64 #4154
- 指定哪个swift版本都报语法错误 #4145
- 💅 lineChart customize the color or style of the selected point #4144
- 💅 How do I customize the color or style of the selected point in a polygraph #4143
- 💅 Help, How to achieve this style? #4138
- AutoScaleMinMax doesn't work in candlestick iOS #4135
- 怎么手动设定滚动到指定x坐标 #4130
- The reuse of charts on tableviewcell #4127
- LineChartView decrease height if add many LineChartDataSets #4122
- 堆叠柱状图不同数据之间的间距 #4120
- Removing LineChartView to save memory? #4114
- h #4110
- swift 5 #4107
- Scatter charts dots needs to be shown even it is less than half #4096
- barchart 1st bar offset #4092
- Compiling Chart with Swift 5.1 raises compilation error #4090
- How to change color for Key's Label ? #4088
- y axis #4087
- No chart data available (displaying large data sets) #4075
- 3.2.2 xBounds starts from 1 #4073
- 🍎 Build error on Xcode 11 beta 3 - macOS app #4071
- Why not fix #3865 in swift4.2 as well? #4067
- Pod install failed - Could not found branch v3.3 issue #4063
- Potential bug highlighting Bars in Bar chart #4062
- PieChart slices with different height/thick #4061
- ⬆️ Line Chart crashes when upgrading from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 or greater #4060
- How to set the shadow width? #4058
- iOS13 port #4056
- Embedding in Objective C++ project #4054
- ✅ Example project does not work for latest swift #4053
- Line chart line color array issue #4052
- I set the display is double but turned into an integer #4051
- xAxis Renderer label #4039
- Highlight midPoint of visible area #4032
- Snap to position for x values (paging) #4030
- how can I use both chart in one view like video? #4026
- 📜 How to Parse xValue and yValue to LineChartData ? #4025
- Fatal error: Index out of range from subscript(position: Index) -> Element #4024
- Pie chart label #4022
- Cannot find "@import Charts;" in -Swift.h, I can only @import Charts in OC files, anything I missed? #4021
- Cannot subclass LineChartRenderer with Clang 11 #4018
- 📦 Unable to compile with Swift Package Manager due to missing dependencies #4016
- 👉 Show values in marker when you click a circle in LineChart #4015
- Is it possible to show only part of series on full XAxis labels? #4014
- BarChartRenderer FatalError: Index out of range #4013
- how to set max zoom scale for y-axis #4011
- ScatterChartDataSet basic initializer causes crashes #4010
- oc project could't use #4008
- Line chart issue #4005
- Crash on PieChartRenderer line 833 #4001
- 💻 BarChartView shows on UI when y value is zero #4000
- can make excel #3999
- 🚚 Cannot remove an observer for the key path "bounds" because it is not registered as an observer #3995
- How to set y axis value with larger difference because my candles are showing very small in size please provide any way #3993
- 🚀 compiling for iOS 8.0, but module 'Charts' has a minimum deployment target of iOS 8.4: #3992
- SIGABRT #3986
- Getting The below error on Xcode update: Error Group :-1: Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_XBarChart :-1: Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_XBarChartConfiguration :-1: Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_XBarItem, When I run on real device. #3985
- Second to last value in stacked BarChart not drawn when the last value is zero #3984
- Value labels are not always showing in horizontal bar chart #3981
- When I manually integrated "charts", running the iOS9.0 emulator crashed. #3980
- LineChartDataSet function setColors is unavailable? #3979
- 🔔 notifyDataSetChanged() crashes with CGAffineTransformInvert: singular matrix. #3978
- this version is 3.2.2 in pods, this version has problem #3977
- Undefined symbol: method descriptor for Charts.ChartViewBase.initialize() -> () #3976
- PieChart highlightEnabled flag operation is reverse of setting #3975
- I am not getting the last value of x axis in the group chart #3974
- Charts 3.3.0 not running on Xcode 10.2 #3972
- 🔄 change line chart legend text color #3971
- drawCenterTextEnable #3969
- Installing version 3.3 from Pods not found #3968
- zero value in bar chart #3967
- [Question] Line Chart Filled Circle Hole when highlighted #3966
- How to change pie chart boarder color and width size ? and separator line width size and curve? in swift 4 #3959
- Charts Pagination #3957
- button press #3956
- Edit leading Trailing and width of bar #3954
- Can't suspend the ongoing drag #3953
- incorrect display in LineChartView When all yAxis data being 0 #3950
- Balloon Marker Swift errors #3947
- Linhas de sobreposição PieChart #3942
- Display Attributed String on X-Axis #3941
- getHighlightByTouchPoint will get nil #3940
- 🚚 Fatal error: removeEntry is not implemented in ChartBaseDataSet: #3937
- Line graph points create lines to other points #3936
- CombinedChart and data #3930
- Gradient and round corner in bar chart #3928
- Slide space color pie-chart #3926
- 🏗 Cannot build enterprise with Charts #3924
- ChartUtils.swift line 225 #3922
- Not Drawing Chart With Exact Axis #3921
- LineChartView with a line that goes backwards #3919
- ✂ Remove slices text in pieChart #3918
- Crash at BarChartDataSet as! IBarChartDataSet #3917
- ⚡️ carthage support lagging - needs updating for Xcode 10.2 & Swift5 #3914
- The first dot doesn't show up when I use lineChart #3912
- How to listen to the end of a chart swipe to call a method #3911
- How to display single data when using LineChartView #3910
- Straight Line in third quadrant does't show up #3898
- Horizontal scrolling in long vertical tableView causes the outer table to jump #3866
- PieChart with value lines with very small values render values on top of each other #3613
- Line Chart do not draw line for Data Set #2567
- Stacked bar marker returns entry.y of entire stack #2173
- Repeating Xaxis values #2143
🔀 Merged pull requests:
- Apply Xcode11 changes #4153 (liuxuan30)
- 🛠 Fixes #4099: Line renderer did not render lines if their coordinates fell outside of the viewport. #4100 (4np)
- 🛠 Fix line chart x axis animation #4093, also close #3960 #4094 (liuxuan30)
- ⚡️ Update License #4055 (jobinsjohn)
- 🛠 fixed stacked chart bug when there are different stacks on columns. #4029 (Scalman)
- 🛠 Fix Swift Package Manager compile issue #4017 (rynecheow)
- ➕ Added a safety check before an unsafe array operation #4006 (UberNick)
- 🛠 fix #3975 (pie chart highlight disabled will lead to empty slice) #3996 (liuxuan30)
- For #3917. make init(label: String?) convenient initializer #3973 (liuxuan30)
- 🛠 Avoid passing NaN to CoreGraphics API (Fixes #1626) #2568 (chiahan1123)
v3.3.0 Changes
April 24, 2019Implemented enhancements:
- Provide pre-compiled universal binary #3867
- 📇 Renamed
to reflect the property's type #3847 (jjatie)
🛠 Fixed bugs:
- Pie chart with vertical orientation clips last legend entry #3860
Closed issues:
- 雷达图的拐点是怎么设置的 #3964
- BarChartView没有从0开始 #3963
- 🔖 version 3.3 using spm results invalid string error #3962
- 折线图能分页吗 就是滑动到最左边 网络请求再加载数据 #3961
- BarChartView problem on dataset count changed #3958
- No Such Module 'Charts' #3955
- drawing asynchronous #3952
- demo can not run #3951
- BarChartView extends all bars to bottom when all values are negative #3949
- xcode10.2,swift5,chart version 3.3.0 #3948
- 🚀 Compiling for iOS 8.1, but module 'Charts' has a minimum deployment target of iOS 8.4 #3946
- X轴的Label显示间隔会随着值的增加而变大, 能控制显示间隔吗? #3943
- the first point of LineChartView is not displayed, and so is demo #3938
- why????? #3934
- 🏗 The “Swift Language Version” (SWIFT_VERSION) build setting must be set to a supported value for targets which use Swift. Supported values are: 4.0, 4.2, 5.0. This setting can be set in the build settings editor. #3932
- 👍 error: SWIFT_VERSION '3.0' is unsupported, supported versions are: 4.0, 4.2, 5.0. (in target 'Charts') #3929
- 最新版更新后的问题 #3927
- How can i get CenterEntry in the View when i setted the MaxVisibleRange? #3925
- EXC_BAD_ACCESS error on PieChart #3923
- The first dot doesn't show up when I use lineChart #3915
- 👍 Swift 5 Support w/ Cocoapods #3913
- HOW to create pie chart like below image . #3908
- x Axis grid line origin is wrong ! maybe a bug, anxious!!! #3904
- why not use CAShapeLayer? #3903
- Chart legend #3896
- Wrong values from pixelForValues #3895
- Cannot set labels for RadarChart #3893
- I can't migrate the swift files(combined chart) in objective c project. Could please share the objective c code fully. Thanks in advance. #3890
- Draw circle only on last value #3887
- Mismatch left axis maximum and minimum values #3886
- How to animate? start poisiton is not from zero. #3885
- I want to change line chart fill colours #3882
- Circle view is not showing for first point of line chart #3881
- 👌 support ECG demo? #3880
- 🚚 How to remove the values given outside the circle in piechart #3878
- 👀 file was built for x86_64 which is not the architecture being linked (arm64):error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) #3877
- Clipping first and last circle from line chart IOS. #3873
- Smoothly moving a slowly changing linechart #3859
- Monthly X-Axis labels (corresponding values) in my LineChart are not at the right position #3858
- CandleChart do not render the first candle in CombineChartView #3857
- Have 2 or more tresholds for one graph #3856
- Unexpected crash on 3.2.2 #3855
- How to change the display of legends? #3853
- I want to call a method after the chart has been dragged and stopped. How can I detect it and the chart has stopped? #3851
- HorizontalBarChartView bar negative values position #3850
- charts 有数据创建图表后,点击按钮将数据置为空则崩溃 #3849
- No circle is drawn on a line chart when there is only one data. (version 3.2.2 only) #3848
- slice color #3844
- BarChartView showing consecutive values in xAxis #3843
- How to hide those icons? #3842
- 🗄 Swift 4.2: 'values' is deprecated Warnings #3840
- Y-axis values draw error #3837
- Horizontal Bar Chart Value Labels Cut Off #3836
- The right Y axis displays incorrect values that does not fit the chart #3835
- How to align labels on left side and put values inside bars on HorizontalBarChartView? [HELP WANTED] #3833
- How to show the tooltip like value when clicked on candle of candleStick chart #3832
- In line chart, can I make all labels in Chart area even with changing yOffset? #3829
- Multiline value labels on BarChart. #3826
- how can I spin the selected slice of piechart to top. #3825
- ⚡️ Update Cocoapods #3773
- Select circles on line chart #3307
🔀 Merged pull requests:
- 🛠 Fix horizontal bar chart not drawing values and add unit tests #3906 (liuxuan30)
- 🛠 fix #3860. maxHeight didn't count the last label #3900 (liuxuan30)
- Migrating to built-in algorithms #3892 (jjatie)
- 👉 Use a stock iterator instead of a custom one. #3891 (phughes)
- ✂ Removed unnecessary #if statements and unified style to align with Xc… #3884 (jjatie)
- Velocity samples calculation #3883 (jjatie)
- ⚡️ Minor updates for Swift 5 #3874 (jjatie)
- Replace AnyObject with Any #3864 (jjatie)
- Data as any #3863 (jjatie)
- Reassess convenience initializers #3862 (jjatie)
- HorizontalBarChar value label offset calculation #3854 (chaaarly)
- Create
in ChartViewDelegate #3852 (Lcsmarcal) - Align
naming withUIRectCorner
#3846 (jjatie)
v3.2.2 Changes
February 13, 2019Implemented enhancements:
- 👍 【PieChart】Please support multiple colors for valueline. #3480
🛠 Fixed bugs:
- CombinedChartView's candleData don't display in v3.2.0 #3662
- Incorrect behavior for AxisBase.axisMaxLabels #3656
- Horizontal Bar Chart legend issue #3301
Closed issues:
- barchartview draw value in bottom of chart #3827
- Regarding to label of axis, I think it displays .03 instead of 0.03 #3824
- Bar Chart Not Showing Colours Correctly #3823
- Pie Chart on click show value on label. Does anyone know how to do it? #3822
- chartTranslated in a Pie Chart is not called #3821
- Issue creating a simple line chart #3820
- How to save image of scrollable graph #3819
- Candle charts not showing candles on swift 4.2 #3818
- How to get a value from line graph if there is more than one lines #3817
- Multiple colors for the same line #3816
- Memory Leaks in subclass of LineChartView #3813
- Distortion When Animating Height of Auto Layout
#3811 - How to show break in line chart for more than one graph? #3810
- PIE Chart Colors not properly set #3809
- A Question to contribution #3808
- When y value is equal ,HorizontalBarChartView only show integer #3806
- Highlight per drag not working! #3805
- 🌐 chartTranslated is called when no translation happened #3803
- Xcode10 real machine operation error! #3802
- Bar Width issue after reset the data #3801
- 🐎 Performance issue: drawCircles(context: CGContext) in LineChart #3798
- LineChartView Y-Aixs label'number inaccuracy #3794
- charts在特定范围内的参考坐标精度问题 #3793
- 🔄 Change chart legend show order #3791
- hello,I don't want to display the pie chart by zero percent. How can I do this #3790
- how to center legend text of LineChartView? #3789
- How to Plot only for the available x axis and leave the rest of the x axis blank? #3788
- Custom chart marker #3787
- How to shift xAxis values to right? #3785
- 👍 How to disable Accessibility support? #3782
- 🔋 Feature: Add option to draw limit lines on top of data #3781
- Legend spacing issue with LineChart and colors[] #3780
- How to change value line length for each value in pieChartView #3776
- Crash on the function isDrawingValuesAllowed #3772
- How to let y axis line show same space when axisMinimum = 0? #3771
- Xcode 10.1 pod install Charts open project error!!! #3769
- Is it possible to make some gaps on a same line plot? #3765
- Is it possible to draw custom shape on chart and handle touch on it #3763
- Start slice automatically seleted in pie chart #3762
- How to change color when press down on pie chart? #3761
- 🔔 notifyDataSetChanged() crash when datapoint is highlighted in LineChartView #3759
- BarChartView display half in first bar when change from group bar to bar only #3757
- Description of Bar doesn't appear in Horizontal BarChartView #3756
- Chart spacing between xAxis Labels #3755
- Granularity makes my app crash because require index from zero #3753
- this counter will make your app being crash in particular case #3752
- Bar Chart Drawing is wrong without setting axisminimum #3751
- Help needed - in changing the position for Piechart in SWIFT #3749
- When using CombinedChartView, CandleChartData cannot be displayed #3748
- Linear chart line with different thickness of direction #3746
- I want to try a lot of line charts corresponding to the X axis is different, how can I achieve it. #3745
- 折线图-具体时间的数据绘制进图表问题 #3743
- Changing lineCap doesn't work when mode is not linear/stepped #3739
- Reverse Pie Chart animation #3738
- How to create y-axis for empty label ? #3735
- Different colors for above and below 0 when filling a Line Chart #3733
- How to adding multiple lines to Line Chart for swift 4.0? #3732
- How to format y-values drawn on bar? #3731
- 🚚 how to moveViewToX and not calling setNeedsDisplay() #3730
- When using CombinedChartView, CandleChartData cannot be displayed #3729
- Need Help. How to show labels in xAxis for GroupedBarChart? #3728
- 👮 Force axis granularity #3727
- Y decimal values error #3725
- if i have 840entrys how can i set the xaxis what i want .e.g i only want to show the 0 and 840 #3723
- if i have 840entrys how can i set the xaxis what i want .e.g i only want to show the 0 and 840 #3722
- Align both right and left axis in the same line #3720
- The
open var noDataTextAlignment: NSTextAlignment = .left
is missing the@objc
so it's not exposed in Objective C. #3719 - How to hide bottom colors & label section in Bar Chat #3718
- Draw Line chart for non linear X-axis #3717
- Any way to adjust the candle bar width? #3716
- xAxis grid line in-between bar rather than center of bar #3713
- Bubble Chart is not rendering #3711
- Bubble Chart is not rendering #3710
- [Feature request] Continue line chart beyond x-axis limits #3708
- 👉 Use of unresolved identifier 'UIAccessibility' & Type 'UIAccessibilityTraits' (aka 'UInt64') has no member 'header' #3707
- How to draw a line chart in sections? #3706
- [Feature / Help] Resize Chart based on data visibility #3705
- [Request / Help] Resize Chart based on hidden / shown lines #3704
- listening for click events in pieChartView #3703
- How to add Strings on Left Axis in iOS-charts? #3702
- [Charts.BarChartDataSet setDrawIconsEnabled:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance #3700
- How can I set xAxis to second line? #3698
- ➕ Add to OC project and the api is so big, How to solve this problem #3697
- How can I call func stringForValue(_ value: Double, axis: AxisBase?) -> String #3696
- 👀 Line chart, slide left and right to see more data? How to set it up #3693
- Value for SWIFT_VERSION cannot be empty. (in target 'Charts') #3692
- how to make a combine chart (line chart + bar chart) with leftAxis taking the top half area of the combined graph and right axis taking the bottom half #3690
- is there any library for Gantt chart in ios swift ? please suggest me a solution..... #3688
- ↔ Integrated to xcode10 crash #3687
- XCode 10 app crash. #3686
- Getting Errors in Xcode 9.2 #3684
- How to show double vale with string in y-axis #3683
- 0️⃣ When I have a lot of data, how can I slide to the far right by default? #3682
- Pie Chart - Slices are not drawn and values are overlapping #3679
- setVisibleXRangeMaximum is behaving unexpectedly #3678
- ⚡️ Getting issues after pod update. #3677
- Pie chart and gradient #3674
- CandleStickChartRenderer drawDataSet method does not work with CombinedChartView #3673
- How to Hide Text? #3672
- Memory leaks were detected also in the demo project #3671
- Can't add two pie charts in a uiviewcontroller at same time #3670
- ChartData ValueTextColor can not achieve a variety of colors #3669
- PieChartView settings color is Invalid #3668
- DrawValuesEnabled variable unreachable (Swift 4.2) #3665
- Failed to verify bitcode in Charts.framework #3663
- [3.2.0] Excessive Memory leaks in Swift 4.2 related to LineChartView, not present in 3.1.1 w/Swift 4 #3649
- BarChart - xAxis Labels disappear if not a min of 2 on the screen #2854
- 柱状图一直横向拉伸, 持续差不多 15s 就崩溃了 #2642
- Any one try to integrate with SpriteKit/SKScene ? #2129
🔀 Merged pull requests:
- ➕ Add Collection conformances to ChartDataSet types #3815 (jjatie)
- 🛠 Fix condition that is checked before
delegate method call #3804 (anton-filimonov) - 🛠 fix #3719 #3778 (liuxuan30)
- Turned gradient components and locations into constants #3775 (jjatie)
- ➕ add chartScaled() call after double tap in BarLineChartViewBase #3770 (artemiusmk)
- 🛠 Fixes sharp edges on the line chart #3764 (stokatyan)
- 🛠 Fix applying lineCap value for line chart data sets (Fixes #3739) #3740 (anton-filimonov)
- ⚡️ Update #3737 (justinlew)
- 🛠 Fix legend offset bug for horizontal bar chart (Fixes #3301) #3736 (SvenMuc)
- 🛠 Fix wrong assignment to axisMaxLabels property #3721 (ggirotto)
- ➕ Add missing properties to copy(with:) methods #3715 (dstranz)
- 🛠 Multiple colors for valueline (Fixes #3480) #3709 (AlexeiGitH)
- 🛠 Fix memory leak after rendering #3680 (YusukeOba)
- 🛠 fix issue #3662 #3664 (Michael-Du)
- 👉 Make NSUIAccessibilityElement initializer public. #3654 (417-72KI)
- 👌 improvements in barRect height calculation #3650 (potato04)
- ⚡️ Update document to latest format #3621 (kemchenj)
- 🔋 Feature - ChartView Pan Ended Delegate Call #3612 (AntonTheDev)
- Axis Renderers Cleanup #3164 (jjatie)
v3.2.1 Changes
October 08, 2018Closed issues:
- ⚡️ Getting error after updating XCode to 10 from 9.4 #3661
- Bar Chart with horizondal scroll on clicking button. #3660
- How to change the piechart' valueLineColor and valueTextColor color individually #3658
- ⚡️ Update to Swift 4.2 #3655
- 🏗 I am trying to use charts. for ios app. I am using cocoa pod for dependency setup. After setup i am trying to build the code it throwing compile errors. #3653
- Type 'RunLoop' has no member 'Mode' #3652
- Module compiled with Swift 4.1.2 cannot be imported by the Swift 4.2 #3651
- Type 'RunLoop' has no member 'Mode' #3648
- ⚡️ As of todays update, I am running into this issue. 'common' renamed RunLoopMode.commonModes #3647
- 🔄 Change circleHoleColor for one point #3646
- 🛠 This API is not working with Swift 4.1.. even after taking V3.2 of Charts API also.. I fixed it myself :( #3645
- 🏗 Help building Charts Demo #3643
- Limit line label orientation #3641
- Is it possible to zoom into a range of values? #3639
- Not working with SDK-Swift 4.2 #3635
- 👀 getting the error that let is implicitly final please change from open to public in Xcode10 GM Seed #3634
- ⚡️ How to optimize when the amount of data is large #3633
- ➕ Adding mathematical function plotting #3632
- Color shadow inside piechart #3631
- I can not set one label on y axis. #3630
- where is the code for draw the xAxis and yAxis indicateLine #3628
- Is it possible to add a vertical label for Y-Axis? Or anyone working on it? #3627
- ➕ Adding dashed lines in between bars in bar graph #3626
- Create Line chart and/or Bar chart from String Array #3625
- 🔄 Change data if button press #3624
- Pie Chart and Legend #3622
- ➕ Add labels to marker or create custom marker view #3620
- is there any way we can change the values font size for ipad in the same code? #3618
- Reg: Display Min and Max Point in a PopUp #3617
- Charts ScaleX problem #3616
- CombinedChartView - EXC_BAD_ACCESS with doubleTapToZoomEnabled #3614
- 🛠 BarChartView How to set the fixed width and spacing? #3609
- How can I combine two lineCharts? #3607
- 'Charts/Charts-Swift.h' file not found #3603
- Combined Chart with Horizontal Bar chart and a Line chart #3600
- Design customization #3597
- 🚚 Move pie chart to specific location in the view #3595
- ➕ Adding text data points to axis #3592
- 🐎 Performance hit #3585
- Multiple colours for setValueTextColor and xAxis label with NSAttributedString #3566
- 💅 Can't set a fixed width for YAxis with outside style. #3565
- Switch from Grouped Bar chart back to normal #3551
- X or Y axis interval of the labels #3547
- How can I plot all Axis Value? #3540
- When the number of numeric numbers on the Y axis does not agree, the right of the multiple charts will not be aligned. #3347
v3.2.0 Changes
September 17, 2018🛠 Fixed bugs:
- ✂ Remove noDataText #3396
Closed issues:
- 👍 Xcode 10 beta & Swift 4.2 support #3623
- CombinedChartView not population correctly #3619
- 🚚 How to remove Cubic Line chart value? #3615
- How to set Y axis to display different colors of label #3611
- Installation with carthage error!!! #3610
- xcodebuild archive error #3606
- swift library added successfully, but can't reach any of the interfaces #3605
- BarChart draw sum of values above bar #3604
- iOS 12 #3601
- v #3598
- Compilation errors with Swift 4.1 #3596
- Bar Chart highlights last clicked bar #3594
- ✂ Remove hightlight, when swipe ends. Or just catch event when swipe ends #3588
- bars did not displayed as expect #3586
- what about the property 'gradientPositions' on branch 4.0.0, and how to use #3584
- Creating markers for Radar Charts #3582
- How to display value on touch? #3581
- LineChart (gradient fill) is not working in Swift 4 #3580
- Is there a way to use Line Chart with custom xAxis? #3579
- Xaxis MutliLine and Value Multiline #3575
- Data labels not shown when mutable array of entries used. #3573
- Grid background color extends beyond data sets #3572
- real time plot #3571
- ➕ Add shadow effect for pie chart #3570
- 🏗 The target “Charts” contains source code developed with Swift 2.x. Xcode 9 does not support building or migrating Swift 2.x targets. #3569
- What is the best way to show around 100'000 values? #3568
- CandleChart In CombinedChartView not work #3567
- the x axis label is not in the right position when I used groupBarChart #3564
- Bar Charts with only top outline like line chart #3562
- How to fill the area between two lines on LineChart #3561
- 👍 How to support rose chart? #3560
- How I can get unselected entry #3559
- Custom x-axis labels won't show without backing data #3557
- 🏗 Cannot build Charts project using Carthage #3555
- Customizing bar chart #3554
- Line Chart: Can't display icons unless data labels are also displayed #3553
- How to enable highlight to some datapoints only when chart is zoomed #3552
- 关于OC项目引入Charts IPA体积过大的问题 #3549
- X or Y unit?How to do? #3545
- Why my chart have line on zero on yAXis #3544
- Value of type 'EnumeratedSequence<[CGPoint]>' has no member 'compactMap' #3543
- 👉 Show Axis unit in last label #3542
- In iOS-Charts how to hide one of Y axis grid lines. #3541
- Highlighting on a scrollable line graph #3539
- disable gradient fill Linechart #3537
- Undefined symbols for architecture - import issues #3536
- Horizontal Bar Chart Bar Collapsing #3535
- 🚚 How to remove space between line chart and top legend #3534
- Scrolling of bar chart is not working initially. #3532
- ✂ Remove DataSet label #3531
- HorizontalBarChartView 横向柱状图Y轴问题 #3530
- 怎么设置柱状图的宽度不变 #3529
- Is it possible to show the values of a horizontal stacked bar chart centered? #3526
- how to change LineChartDataSet without strange redraw issues? #3525
- I want to add image in left side of line graph when we scroll the image is also scroll #3521
- 🛠 Fixed label at axis origin #3519
- Horizontal bar charts labels max out too early #3517
- multiple PieCharts in on Screen #3516
- First and Last Bars are not displaying full bars in CombinedChartView #3515
- Line chart does not render correctly #3514
- Line chart with LineChartView the line is lower than the minimum values #3513
- Bar chart is plotting for empty value and Line chart is not appeared in CombinedChartView #3511
- The shape of graph becomes smaller and smaller in RadarChartGraph #3510
- not able to display x-axis labels like (jun, july) in line chart #3509
- 🚚 Move points on LineChart with Pan Gesture #3508
- 32 bit Device not handling high x-values #3507
- How do you override the getFormattedValue() method when it doesn't exist? #3506
- drawBarShadowEnabled is crashing in swift 4 #3505
- x,y axis and guidelines hide on grah reload #3503
- 显示float问题 #3501
- 🚀 App Crash in release mode not in debug mode #3499
- Arrow on axis end #3498
- LineChartView setup "set.mode = LineChartModeCubicBezier",The wave-peak trough of the smooth chart shows no value and deviates from these points #3497
- Errors when trying to compile a project using Charts #3496
- Need Help I want to Make 2 lines of X axis label and x axis label background color #3495
- Getting current xAxis value #3494
- where to catch the function about marker disappears or appears with dataEntrance #3493
- Get chart image without rendering chart #3492
- Cant able to set XAxis Range for custom DateTime formatter #3491
- How to set the accuracy of data, such as two decimal places, e.g 2.32, 3.21. #3490
- FFT graphs? #3489
- 👍 Is there a better way to easily add highest and lowest value in candlestick chart #3488
- ✂ Remove piechart center white area #3487
- xAxis label is croped when using custom valueFormatter #3485
- 🔄 Change location of left axis labels #3484
- How to plot multiple yValue but display selected xValue in xAxis Label? #3483
- Bubble Charts Choose not jump into the method “chartValueSelected...”? #3482
- How to plot time value format on x-axis in real time graph #3481
- 🚚 How to remove Right side vertical line and values in LineChartView #3478
- Bar Chart View acting weird (zooming) #3477
- Is their anyway to show legend in rows and columns format? #3476
- Duplicate Y-axis values while pitching the graph moving up #3475
- getValuesByTouchPoint / UIView coords to graph coords #3474
- Pie Chart label not show if its value 0 #3473
- 🏗 Build failed #3472
- What will be the version of pod if I am running on swift 2.3 ? #3471
- Using SPM results in a "dependency graph is unresolvable" error. #3470
- Demo is not compiling #3469
- Question #3466
- need help #3464
- bar Chart legend always show one label #3462
- Monitor rotation angle #3461
- when clicking chartView,How to prompt multiple markerView #3460
- The chart will draw incorrectly if LineChart leftAxis.axisMinimum does not start at zero #3458
- Grouped bar chart plotting wrong !! #3457
- 为什么我设置X轴不显示 #3456
- how to set string values on x axis in bar chart? please help #3455
- Left axis and right axis not same zero line #3454
- How can make HorizontalBarChart dont start at zero? #3453
- Can't customise X-axis grid line labels in time value line chart. #3452
- xAxis gridlines are missing #3451
- How to add attributed string in Xaxis labels #3450
- 点击0这一列,所有的柱状图都高亮,可以吗 #3449
- how to use 'LineChartView' to draw a line between nonzero values? #3448
- The maximum value of the histogram is not shown. #3447
- The Y-axis numerical display problem. #3446
- Is it possible to show x-Axis gridlines when there's only one ChartDataEntry? #3444
- Chart callback events #3443
- Help needed with Grouped Horizontal Bar Chart #3442
- Candlestick doesn't work when x does not start at 0 #3441
- Is there a callback method? #3439
- 👍 oc项目集成Charts,上架打包失败,提示ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '时间炼.app/Frameworks/Charts.framework/Charts' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than a valid CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at for information on the iOS app bundle structure."。新手,求解答!Thanks #3438
- Axis label alignment with labelRotationAngle #3437
- 👉 Show grid with axis deactivated #3436
- Error: cannot use instance member '_viewPortHandler' within property initializer; property initializers run before 'self' is available #3434
- ✂ remove labels #3433
- How to set the number of lines for the label of xAxis of HorizontalBarChartView ? #3431
- xAxis labelText too long, it can not draw complete. #3430
- Weird crash #3427
- 0️⃣ Why does the default value of the Y label take the decimal point? #3426
- 🚚 Why won't the viewport move to the last X value of my line chart? #3425
- How to disable highlight for some specific values #3423
- IAxisValueFormatter Error: Index out of range #3422
- can we animate SelectionShift when selecting a segment of pie chart? #3420
- Y-axis minimum scale deviation problem. #3419
- How do you set the scale of the Y-axis? #3418
- BarLineChartViewBase doubleTapGestureRecognized #3417
- ✂ Remove the box from the pie chart. #3416
- Unable to set transparent color or clear color to the graphs background. #3414
- BarChartView has no TouchUpInside event, only TouchDown event. #3411
- YAxis,the integer bit is missing, showing.0 or.00 #3410
- touchesEnded can't be called in chart view? #3409
- Is it possible to show date values in the Stacked BarChart? #3408
- Passing STRING values to X-Axis currently the SetDataCount is accepting only INT and Double data types #3407
- 🏗 compactMap build error #3405
- Marker in CombinedChart is displayed incorrectly. #3404
- I need to customize the column chart #3401
- YAxis show the value .0 or .00 #3400
- How to do BarChart (grouped DataSets)(OC)? #3399
- 🚀 Can't build success with xcode toolchains swift 4.0.3 release #3398
- pod not install in xcode 9.3 version #3397
- Lag during scroll #3395
- Hide percents on PieChartDiagram when it's so small #3394
- Value of type 'BarChartDataEntries' has no member 'unit' #3393
- BarChart 1st bar offset #3392
- Open up Access Modifiers? #3391
- ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/Users/hansenpen/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/CS_PROJECT_-_ALPHA-hglwyidqwcstjvejzxikmednefgv/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Charts' ld: framework not found Charts clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) #3390
- How to install charts Framework using Xcode 9.1 #3388
- Unable to compile swift 3.2 code from xcode 9.3. I am using 3.1.1 version of charts. #3387
- why there is flexible space between the BarChatView and the xAxis ? sometimes the space are nil but sometimes the space exist . when it happens the xAxis will draw rect inside the PilaView . it doesn't connected with the XAxisLabelPosition attribute . i cann't figured it out #3386
- 🏗 Error building project #3385
- ✅ missing property in latest LineChartView #3383
- minOffset not working #3382
- Display Real time data like pulseRate. #3381
- Grouped bar chart shows up as stacked bar chart after migration. #3380
- Candle stick chart cds.setBarSpace() not working #3379
- Line chart fill color goes above/below zeroline #3377
- Charts Pod not working with Xcode 9.3 (Swift 4.1) #3376
- Can any one know how to draw this charts #3375
- Compile error on newest ChartsDemo-iOS project #3373
- ChartIndexAxisValueFormatter Not working in line charts #3371
- Line Graph xValue #3367
- xAxis labels are not aligned with grouped bar, when data is more #3364
- Select the data point programmatically and the highLight is NAN #3363
- Layout issue with chart legend #3359
- Is it possible to draw the line on top of a custom XAxisRenderer? #3348
- How to set x-axis labels with selected round with color. #3345
- How to hide the grid background on some bar #3342
- Space between axis line and axis label #3336
- Can't manage to align plots with x axis values #3332
- 👉 Show the last x axis label on bar chart #3324
- HorizontalBarChartView display partial data #3320
- 如何在滑动代理中获取当前中心位置所对应的数据源的索引 #3318
- Visible max and min Y Values #2600
- Invert xAxis label #2504
- @junito1209 please explain what are you doing on Charts wiki page #2261
- Crash Observed when AxisRenderer interval is becoming NaN #2168
- Problem selecting bubbles on the same xIndex #2060
🔀 Merged pull requests:
- ➕ Add Swift version 4.1 to podspec #3608 (larryonoff)
- ⚡️ update barRect.size.height calculation #3587 (potato04)
- ➕ Add label colors to legend entries #3558 (petester42)
- 👌 Support inlune bubble viz selection #3548 (chuynadamas)
- 🛠 fix the error title for demo #3528 (yangasahi)
- 🔄 Changes for Swift 4.2, Xcode 10 and iOS 12 #3522 (jlcanale)
- 👍 Accessibility Support for (most) Chart types #3520 (mathewa6)
- 🔄 Changed comment that referenced getFormattedValue() method in IValueFormatter #3518 (JCMcLovin)
- 🛠 Fix merge conflicts in #3218 #3500 (petester42)
- 👉 Make legendRenderer property public in order to be externally customizable #3445 (nagykatalin)
- 🛠 Fix broken demo link in readme #3440 (robert-cronin)
- ➕ Added clamping function for
#3435 (jjatie) - 🛠 Fix CocoaPods compilation #3432 (larryonoff)
- ⚡️ update candle chart view options in demo project #3424 (cuong1112035)
- ➕ Add Objective-c compatible for turning off drag in X and Y Axis separately #3421 (lennonhe)
- ➕ Added gradient line drawing to LineChartRenderer. based on PR #3142 #3415 (larryonoff)
- ➕ Add more render options for y axis labels #3406 (alexrepty)
- 🔨 Refactored ChartData #3169 (jjatie)
- Dataset logic cleanup #3001 (jjatie)
- ➕ Added value text rotation #2200 (chinh-tran)
v3.1.1 Changes
April 02, 2018🛠 Fixed bugs:
- ChartsDemo-Swift crashes #3327
Closed issues:
- Why does yVals start with a negative number when the data is empty? #3374
- Compile Error #3372
- Y Axis need to add Time slots for current day #3368
- inconsistent include of UIKit vs AppKit #3362
- Crash Issue in BarChartData #3361
- How can we format the LABEL used for values? #3354
- ✂ Remove value labels padding #3350
- 👍 Does Charts support real-time drawing #3344
- Constant for Bar width and space #3343
- Bar Graph groupBars function issue #1966
- bar chart from dates #1963
- A crash of CombinedChartView,when touch on the chart view(chas) #1957
- Graph doesn't display on older iPads #1954
- 🗄 Regarding deprecated xValues #1947
- Charts being overlaid inside UICollectionView using dequeueReusableCell #1943
- We are unable to split the label in two lines. #1941
- 🚀 Make releases so they follow the Semantic Versioning (SemVer) #1930
- Marker Position #1876
- Charts 3.0 unable to draw discontinuous line chart #1866
- Radar charts custom labels #1840
- Unable to subclass #1838
- offset goes wrong when using mutiple bar chart in combined chart #1813
- Histogram Example? #1792
- Sunburst Chart #1715
- Line chart with preview #1520
- Get scroll position of dragable line chart #1272
- Trend line in scatter chart? #1263
- Can we use custom image instead of Circle in line chart? #1206
- Legend with NSAttributedString and multiple lines on Vertical #1193
- Trim the legend view #1192
- Chart auto min/max does not take into account second line #1136
- ➕ Add different colorHoleColor for different datapoints in a LineChart iOS Charts #1104
- 🚚 How to remove marker programatically #1097
- Overlapping issues in x and y axis values #1048
- ✨ Enhancement: Horizontal Combined Chart #1041
- ✨ Enhancement: Linked x-axis or stacked y-axis. #1022
- Scale or zoom to particular axis or point in Combined chart view #993
- Max Value Y - Axis = 1 , How to set Y-Axis increment Y- Value ? #989
- Drawing value for the WholeStack only #926
- Pie chart Y values overlap #779
- 📦 Swift Package Manager #753
- Stacked bar chart with different number of rects #744
- The label value position with the same yAxis and different value. #724
- Minimum / maximum scale causes the chart to slide sideways when trying to pinch zoom further #437
- Top and bottom grid line diverging widths #411
🔀 Merged pull requests: