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Changelog History
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  • v6.1.0-beta.1 Changes

    • ⚡️ Implemented new system for deferring datasource updates until performBatchUpdates block. This system is intended to fight crash, that might happen when performBatchUpdates method is called after UICollectionView.reloadData method(for example after calling memoryStorage.setItems, and then immediately memoryStorage.addItems). This issue is detailed in and This crash can also happen, if iOS 11 API UITableView.performBatchUpdates is used. This system is turned on by default. If, for some reason, you want to disable it and have old behavior, call:
    manager.memoryStorage.defersDatasourceUpdates = false

    0️⃣ Please note, though, that new default behavior is recommended, because it is more stable and works the same on both UITableView and UICollectionView.

    • ⚡️ collectionViewUpdater property on DTCollectionViewManager is now of CollectionViewUpdater type instead of opaque StorageUpdating type. This should ease use of this object and prevent unneccessary type casts.
  • v6.0.0 Changes

    • ⚡️ Updated for Xcode 9.1 / Swift 4.0.2
  • v6.0.0-beta.3 Changes

    • 👉 Makes DTCollectionViewManager property weak instead of unowned to prevent iOS 10-specific memory issues/crashes.
  • v6.0.0-beta.2 Changes

    • 🚀 Build with Xcode 9.0 final release.
    • 🛠 Fixed partial-availability warnings.
  • v6.0.0-beta.1 Changes

    📚 This is a major release with some breaking changes, please read DTTableViewManager 6.0 Migration Guide

    • ➕ Added updateVisibleCells(_:) method, that allows updating cell data for visible cells with callback on each cell. This is more efficient than calling reloadData when number of elements in UICollectionView does not change, and only contents of items change.
    • 🔧 Implement configureEvents(for:_:) method, that allows batching in several cell events to avoid using T.ModelType for events, that do not have cell created.
    • ➕ Added DTCollectionViewDropPlaceholderContext wrapper with convenience support for UICollectionView placeholders.
    • Implemented UICollectionViewDragDelegate and UICollectionViewDropDelegate events.
    • ➕ Added 10 more UICollectionViewDelegate and UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout events.
    • ➕ Added missing events for UICollectionViewDatasource protocol: collectionView:moveItemAt:to:, indexTitlesFor:, collectionView:indexPathForIndexTitle:at:
    • Implemented conditional mappings
    • 🔨 UICollectionViewDelegate and UICollectionViewDatasource implementations have been refactored from DTCollectionViewManager to DTCollectionViewDelegate and DTCollectionViewDataSource classes.
    • ➕ Added DTCollectionViewNonOptionalManageable protocol, that can be used with non-optional UICollectionView properties on your managed instance.
  • v5.3.1 Changes

    • 🎉 Initial support for Swift 3.2 (Xcode 9 beta-1).
    • 🛠 Fixed registerNiblessHeader and registerNiblessFooter to properly call nibless supplementary methods.
  • v5.3.0 Changes

    • 👉 Use new events system from DTModelStorage, that allows events to be properly called for cells, that are created using ViewModelMappingCustomizing protocol.
  • v5.2.0 Changes

    • ⚡️ Setting CollectionViewUpdater instance to collectionViewUpdater property on DTCollectionViewManager now triggers didUpdateContent closure on CollectionViewUpdater.
  • v5.1.0 Changes

    🚀 Dependency changelog -> DTModelStorage 4.0.0 and higher

    • ⚡️ CollectionViewUpdater has been rewritten to use new StorageUpdate properties that track changes in order of their occurence.
    • ⚡️ CollectionViewUpdater reloadItemClosure and DTCollectionViewManager updateCellClosure now accept indexPath and model instead of just indexPath. This is done because update may happen after insertions and deletions and object that needs to be updated may exist on different indexPath.
  • v5.0.0 Changes

    No changes