DTTableViewManager v5.0.0-beta.1 Release Notes

  • 📚 This is a major release, written in Swift 3. Read [Migration guide](Documentation/Migration%20guides/5.0%20Migration%20Guide.md) with descriptions of all features and changes.

    🚀 Dependency changelog -> DTModelStorage 3.0.0 and higher

    ➕ Added

    • 🆕 New events system that covers almost all available UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource delegate methods.
    • 🆕 New class - TableViewUpdater, that is calling all animation methods for UITableView when required by underlying storage.
    • ⚡️ updateCellClosure method on DTTableViewManager, that manually updates visible cell instead of calling tableView.reloadRowsAt(_:) method.
    • ⚡️ coreDataUpdater property on DTTableViewManager, that creates TableViewUpdater object, that follows Apple's guide for updating UITableView from NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate events.
    • isManagingTableView property on DTTableViewManager
    • unregisterCellClass(_:), unregisterHeaderClass(_:), unregisterFooterClass(_:) methods to unregister mappings from DTTableViewManager and UITableView

    🔄 Changed

    • Event system is migrated to new EventReaction class from DTModelStorage
    • Swift 3 API Design guidelines have been applied to all public API.
    • ⚡️ Section and row animations are now set on TableViewUpdater class instead of TableViewConfiguration


    • 🚚 itemForVisibleCell, itemForCellClass:atIndexPath:, itemForHeaderClass:atSectionIndex:, itemForFooterClass:atSectionIndex: were removed - they were not particularly useful and can be replaced with much shorter Swift conditional typecasts.
    • registerCellClass:whenSelected method
    • All events methods with method pointer semantics. Please use block based methods instead.
    • dataBindingBehaviour property.
    • viewBundle property on DTTableViewManager. Bundle is not determined automatically based on view class.
    • ⚡️ DTTableViewContentUpdatable protocol. Use TableViewUpdater properties instead.