GRMustache v0.10.0 Release Notes

  • 🚀 Released on September 10, 2015

    🆕 New

    • StandardLibrary.Logger is there to help debugging templates.

    💥 Breaking changes

    • Swift 2.

    • 👍 Collections no longer expose Objective-C-compatible keys to templates: {{ array.firstObject }}, {{ array.lastObject }}, {{ set.anyObject }} no longer render anything. Focusing on Swift standard library, the only supported keys are now first, count, and last (the latter being undefined for sets).

    • Context.BoxForMustacheExpression has been renamed Context.mustacheBoxForExpression

    • 🚚 BoxAnyObject() is removed. You must now explicit cast AnyObject to a boxable type that you can box with Box().

    • Box(value:boolValue:keyedSubscript:filter:render:willRender:didRender:) has been replaced by a MustacheBox initializer with the same arguments.