Koyomi alternatives and similar libraries
Based on the "Calendar" category.
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A declarative, performant, iOS calendar UI component that supports use cases ranging from simple date pickers all the way up to fully-featured calendar apps. -
An Event View based on Apple's Event Detail View. Written in Swift 3. Supports ARC, Autolayout and editing via StoryBoard.
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
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Koyomi is a simple calendar view framework for iOS, written in Swift :calendar:
- Features
- Demo App
- Usage
- introduction : Change displayed month, Hide days of other months, Get current month string, The selection state of date, Highlight specific days
- Delegate : KoyomiDelegate
- Customize Koyomi : Customize layout properties, Customize text postion, Customize text font, Customize weeks text, Customize color properties, Customize color properties
- Requirements
- Installation
- Contributing
- License
- App using Koyomi
- Author
:octocat: Features
- Simple Calendar View :calendar:
- Easily usable :sunglasses:
- Customizable in any properties for appearance
- Selectable calender
- Complete
- [x] Support
- [x] Compatible with Carthage
- [x] Support Swift 2.3.
- [x] Support Swift 3.0
Demo App
Open Example/Koyomi.xcworkspace
and run Koyomi-Example
to see a simple demonstration.
Koyomi is designed to be easy to use :sunglasses:
let frame = CGRect(x: 10, y : 20, width: 250, height: 300)
let koyomi = Koyomi(frame: frame, sectionSpace: 1.5, cellSpace: 0.5, inset: .zero, weekCellHeight: 25)
is available in Interface Builder.
Set custom class of UICollectionView
to Koyomi
@IBOutlet weak var koyomi: Koyomi!
:calendar: Change displayed month
If you want to change displayed month, call display(in: MonthType)
. MonthType
is defined by three types.
public enum MonthType { case previous, current, next }
// change month
koyomi.display(in: .next)
Hide days of other months
If you want to hide days of other months, set isHiddenOtherMonth
to true
Days of other months aren't displayed and user can't select.
koyomi.isHiddenOtherMonth = true
Get current month string
let currentDateString = koyomi.currentDateString()
If you want to change
, set argument to format.currentDateString(withFormat: "MM/yyyy")
The selection state of date
You can configure SelectionMode with style.
SelectionMode has nested enumerations type: SequenceStyle
, Style
public enum SelectionMode {
case single(style: Style), multiple(style: Style), sequence(style: SequenceStyle), none
public enum SequenceStyle { case background, circle, semicircleEdge, line }
public enum Style { case background, circle, line }
// default selectionMode is single, circle style
public var selectionMode: SelectionMode = .single(style: .circle)
// call selectionStyle
koyomi.selectionMode = .single(style: .circle)
single | |||
SelectionMode | .single(style: .background) |
.single(style: .circle) |
.single(style: .line) |
multiple | |||
SelectionMode | .multiple(style: .background) |
.multiple(style: .circle) |
.multiple(style: .line) |
sequence | ||||
SelectionMode | .sequence(style: .background) |
.sequence(style: .circle) |
.sequence(style: .semicircleEdge) |
.sequence(style: .line) |
You can configure lineView in the case of line
public struct LineView {
public enum Position { case top, center, bottom }
public var height: CGFloat = 1
public var widthRate: CGFloat = 1 // default is 1.0 (0.0 ~ 1.0)
public var position: Position = .center
koyomi.selectionMode = .single(style: .line)
koyomi.lineView.height = 3
koyomi.lineView.position = .bottom
koyomi.lineView.widthRate = 0.7
If you don't want to allow user to select date by user interaction, set
Select date in programmatically
You can select specific date .
let today = Date()
var components = DateComponents()
components.day = 7
let weekLaterDay = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: components, toDate: today)
koyomi.select(date: today, to: weekLaterDay)
// If want to select only one day.
koyomi.select(date: today)
// If want to select multiple day.
let dates: [Date] = [date1, date2, date3]
koyomi.select(dates: dates)
You can also unselect available.
koyomi.unselect(today, to: weekLaterDay)
// If want to unselect only one day.
// If want to unselect multiple day.
let dates: [Date] = [date1, date2, date3]
koyomi.unselect(dates: dates)
// unselect all date
You can configure style color and text state in selected state.
@IBInspectable public var selectedStyleColor: UIColor
public enum SelectedTextState { case change(UIColor), keeping }
public var selectedDayTextState: SelectedTextState
If you want to change day textColor when the user selects day in the Koyomi
, set selectedDayTextState
to SelectedTextState.change(UIColor)
Also, if you don't want to change day textColor when the user selects day, set selectedDayTextState
to SelectedTextState.keeping
// day text color change white when selected.
koyomi.selectedDayTextState = .change(.white)
// day text color doesn't change when selected.
koyomi.selectedDayTextState = .keeping
Highlight specific days
You can change dayColor
and dayBackgroundColor
in specific days.
.setDayColor(.white, of: today, to: weekLaterDay)
.setDayBackgrondColor(.black, of: today, to: weekLaterDay)
// set day color only one day.
// .setDayColor(.white, of: today)
// .setDayBackgrondColor(.black, of: today)
If you want to use KoyomiDelegate
, set calendarDelegate
to target
koyomi.calendarDelegate = self
koyomi(_: didSelect: forItemAt)
optional func koyomi(_ koyomi: Koyomi, didSelect date: Date, forItemAt indexPath: IndexPath)
Tells the delegate that the date at the specified index path was selected.
: the date user selected, when tapped cell
koyomi(_: currentDateString:)
optional func koyomi(_ koyomi: Koyomi, currentDateString dateString: String)
// if you want to change string format, use `currentDateFormat`
koyomi.currentDateFormat = "M/yyyy"
Tells the delegate that the displayed month is changed.
: the current month string, when changed month.
koyomi(_: shouldSelectDates: to: withPeriodLength)
optional func koyomi(_ koyomi: Koyomi, shouldSelectDates date: Date?, to toDate: Date?, withPeriodLength length: Int) -> Bool
// control date user selected.
func koyomi(_ koyomi: Koyomi, shouldSelectDates date: Date?, to toDate: Date?, withPeriodLength length: Int) -> Bool {
if invalidStartDate <= date && invalidEndDate >= toDate {
print("Your select day is invalid.")
return false
if length > 90 {
print("More than 90 days are invalid period.")
return false
return true
calls this method before select days.
return value: true if the item should be selected or false if it should not. to
is always nil if selectionMode
isn't sequence
koyomi(_: selectionColorForItemAt: date:)
optional func koyomi(_ koyomi: Koyomi, selectionColorForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath, date: Date) -> UIColor?
func koyomi(_ koyomi: Koyomi, selectionColorForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath, date: Date) -> UIColor? {
return today == date ? UIColor.black : nil
calls this method before setting selectionColor for specific date.
return value: UIColor instance for a different color then the default one or return nil to use the default color.
koyomi(_: fontForItemAt: date:)
func koyomi(_ koyomi: Koyomi, fontForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath, date: Date) -> UIFont?
func koyomi(_ koyomi: Koyomi, fontForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath, date: Date) -> UIFont? {
return today == date ? UIFont(name:"FuturaStd-Bold", size:16) : nil
calls this method before setting font for specific date.
return value: UIFont instance for a different font then the default one or return nil to use the default font.
:wrench: Customize Koyomi
Customize layout properties
// Support @IBInspectable properties
@IBInspectable var sectionSpace: CGFloa
@IBInspectable var cellSpace: CGFloat
@IBInspectable var weekCellHeight: CGFloat
// Public property
public var inset: UIEdgeInsets
koyomi.inset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0.5, left: 0.5, bottom: 0.5, right: 0.5)
Set sectionSpace
, cellSpace
, weekCellHeight
in initialization or Interface Builder.
Customize text postion
public enum ContentPosition {
case topLeft, topCenter, topRight
case left, center, right
case bottomLeft, bottomCenter, bottomRight
case custom(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat)
You can configure text postion.
// default is .center
koyomi.dayPosition = .topRight
koyomi.weekPosition = .center
// custom case
koyomi.dayPosition = .custom(x: 1.2, y: 2.3)
Customize text font
// set Day and Week Label Font
.setDayFont(size: 12)
.setWeekFont(size: 8)
// if want to change font name,
setDayFont(fontName: ".SFUIText-Medium", size: 12)
Customize weeks text
koyomi.weeks = ("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat")
// configure with index
koyomi.weeks.0 = "Sun"
koyomi.weeks.1 = "Mon"
koyomi.weeks.2 = "Tue"
Customize color properties
// Support @IBInspectable properties
@IBInspectable public var sectionSeparatorColor: UIColor
@IBInspectable public var separatorColor: UIColor
@IBInspectable public var weekColor: UIColor
@IBInspectable public var weekdayColor: UIColor
@IBInspectable public var holidayColor: UIColor
@IBInspectable public var otherMonthColor: UIColor
@IBInspectable public var dayBackgrondColor: UIColor
@IBInspectable public var weekBackgrondColor: UIColor
@IBInspectable public var selectedStyleColor: UIColor
You can configure the lots of color properties for appearance :weary:
Don't worry :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:, you can easily configure appearance by using KoyomiStyle
koyomi.style = .tealBlue
is defined by 19 types + 1 custom.
used iOS Human Interface Guidelines as reference
enum KoyomiStyle {
// basic color style
case monotone, standard, red, orange, yellow, tealBlue, blue, purple, green, pink
// deep color style
case deepBlack, deepRed, deepOrange, deepYellow, deepTealBlue, deepBlue, deepPurple, deepGreen, deepPink
case custom(customColor: CustomColorScheme)
To use a custom color scheme, you need to define tuple with the necessarry values
// This is a replica of the `.deepRed` style, you can unleash your creativity here:
let customColorScheme = (dayBackgrond: UIColor.KoyomiColor.red,
weekBackgrond: UIColor.KoyomiColor.red,
week: .white,
weekday: .white,
holiday: (saturday: UIColor.white, sunday: UIColor.white),
otherMonth: UIColor.KoyomiColor.lightGray,
separator: UIColor.KoyomiColor.orange)
koyomi.style = KoyomiStyle.custom(customColor: customColorScheme)
:pencil: Requirements
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 8.0+
- Swift 3.0+
:computer: Installation
Installation of Swift 2.3
Please install version 0.1.6
or earlier.
pod 'Koyomi', '~> 0.1.6'
Koyomi is available through CocoaPods.
To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile
pod "Koyomi"
Add the following line to your Cartfile
github "shoheiyokoyama/Koyomi"
App using Koyomi
If you're using Koyomi in your app, please open a PR to add it to this list! :blush:
:coffee: Author
shoheiyokoyama, [email protected]
:unlock: License
Koyomi is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Koyomi README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.