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Swift libraries

Showing projects tagged as macOS, iOS, and Swift

  • FMDB v2.7

    9.9 5.2 L1 Objective-C
    A Cocoa / Objective-C wrapper around SQLite
  • PinLayout

    8.5 6.6 Swift
    Fast Swift Views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainable. [iOS/macOS/tvOS/CALayer]
  • KJCategories

    5.8 0.0 Objective-C
    Collection of native ios extensions and classes to boost development process. Such as UIKit, Foundation, QuartzCore, Accelerate, OpenCV, CoreGraphics, os and more. 超实用开发加速工具库
  • ZMarkupParser

    4.0 8.4 Swift
    ZMarkupParser is a pure-Swift library that helps you convert HTML strings into NSAttributedString with customized styles and tags.

    2.4 0.0 Swift
    A simple library that helps you in connecting with BLE devices
  • MijickCalendarView

    2.3 7.2 Swift
    Calendars made simple (SwiftUI)
  • QuizTrain

    2.2 0.0 Swift
    Swift Framework for TestRail's API
  • VanMoofKit

    1.9 7.2 Swift
    A Swift Package to communicate with a VanMoof S3 & X3 Bike 🚲
  • spasibo

    1.8 0.0 Swift
    🙏 Support your favourite open source projects
  • BitWiser

    0.8 0.0 Swift
    A simple library to help you in dealing with bytes, bits and nibbles :-)
  • CountryKit

    0.8 0.0 Swift
    A μlibrary in Swift containing all the countries with their localized name, ISO code, phone code, country code, flag image and emoji.
  • Mechanica

    0.7 0.0 Swift
    A cross-platform library of Swift utils to ease your iOS | macOS | watchOS | tvOS and Linux development.
  • Relax

    0.7 7.8 Swift
    Declaratively build and send client requests for REST APIs in Swift.
  • LogDog

    0.6 0.3 Swift
    DISCONTINUED. user-friendly logging
  • AnyMeasure

    0.2 5.4 Swift
    Swift For Any Measure: Simplified
  • AppArch

    0.2 5.2 Swift
    Swift-AppArch is a *swifty*, lightweight, and easy to use way to define your macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS app's architecture using a SOLID architecture patterns.
  • Romanize

    0.2 0.0 Swift
    Romanies Hangul using Revised Romanisation of Korean