UI libraries

Showing projects tagged as Swift, iOS, and UI

  • mChat

    6.1 0.0 Swift
    iOS - Real-time messaging app 🎨
  • VisualActivityViewController

    6.1 0.0 Swift
    A way to represent what you’re sharing.
  • KJCategories

    5.8 0.0 Objective-C
    Collection of native ios extensions and classes to boost development process. Such as UIKit, Foundation, QuartzCore, Accelerate, OpenCV, CoreGraphics, os and more. 超实用开发加速工具库
  • KVKCalendar

    5.8 6.8 Swift
    A most fully customization calendar for Apple platforms 📅
  • ScrollStackController

    5.2 5.1 Swift
    🧩 Easy scrollable layouts in UIKit - an UIStackView which scroll and uses root views of child view controllers.
  • SwiftUI-Sample-App

    4.4 0.0 Swift
    This swiftUI Demo is very simple & easy to understand. This swiftUI demo includes On-boarding screens, login screen, forgot password screen, sign up screen, home & logout.
  • CrispyCalendar

    4.3 6.0 Swift
    An easy-to-use, fully customizable and extensible calendar for your app
  • UIPilot

    4.3 4.9 Swift
    The missing typesafe SwiftUI navigation library
  • SPConfetti

    4.1 0.0 Swift
    Show the confetti only when the user is having fun, and if not having fun, don't show it.
  • SwiftyComments

    4.0 0.0 Swift
    UITableView based component designed to display a hierarchy of expandable/foldable comments.
  • SwiftUI by Examples

    3.6 0.0 Swift
    Examples of new SwiftUI framework
  • Indicate

    2.7 0.0 Swift
    Interactive notification pop-over (aka "Toast) modeled after the iOS AirPods and Apple Pencil indicator.
  • Rickenbacker

    2.6 -32.8 Swift
    🎉 RxSwift extensions and MVVM component project architecture.
  • MijickCalendarView

    2.3 7.2 Swift
    Calendars made simple (SwiftUI)
  • FrameLayoutKit

    1.9 8.0 Swift
    A super fast and easy-to-use layout library for iOS. FrameLayoutKit supports complex layouts, including chaining and nesting layout with simple and intuitive operand syntax.
  • Browser

    1.9 3.2 Swift
    Clone of the redesigned Safari iOS app for iOS 15
  • VanMoofKit

    1.9 7.2 Swift
    A Swift Package to communicate with a VanMoof S3 & X3 Bike 🚲
  • NKButton

    1.8 3.0 Swift
    A fully customizable UIButton
  • spasibo

    1.8 0.0 Swift
    🙏 Support your favourite open source projects
  • Floating Text Field

    1.7 0.0 Swift
    FloatingTextField is the simplest way to use custom textField with an animation placeholder. Secure textField, You can set the Left & Right image also can handle image left/right image click for any action.
  • FlexibleRowHeightGridLayout

    1.7 0.0 Swift
    A UICollectionView grid layout designed to support Dynamic Type by allowing the height of each row to size to fit content.
  • Mindful Open Source SWIFT UI Animation Libraries

    1.4 0.0
    Collection of Beautiful Open Source SWIFT Animation Libraries and Demos
  • HSCenterSlider

    1.1 0.0 Swift
    Instagram Filters Slider. Easy to use double side center slider, that can show value in (A,B) Range.
  • CustomCollectionLayout

    1.1 0.0 Swift
    This is an example project for my article called "UICollectionView Tutorial: Changing presentation on the fly"
  • Numbers Animation

    0.8 0.0 Swift
    Numbers animation allows you to click on different numbers and accordingly it will animate numbers in a cool way. It has a very attractive UI and is very easy to use.
  • BitWiser

    0.8 0.0 Swift
    A simple library to help you in dealing with bytes, bits and nibbles :-)
  • MijickGridView

    0.8 3.8 Swift
    Easy Grids with SwiftUI
  • QBIndicatorButton

    0.5 0.0 Swift
    :heavy_check_mark: Simple way to display activity indicator inside the button.
  • RadarKit

    0.5 0.0 Swift
    The Radar Kit allowing you to locate places, trip neary by you Or it will help you to search out the people around you with the few lines of code..!!!
  • Slyderin

    0.4 10.0 Swift
    An iOS-16-styled slider.