Realm v1.0.2 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-07-13 // almost 8 years ago
  • API breaking changes

    • Attempting to add an object with no properties to a Realm now throws rather than silently doing nothing.

    ✨ Enhancements

    • ⏪ Swift: A write block may now throw, reverting any changes already made in the transaction.
    • ⬇️ Reduce address space used when committing write transactions.
    • Significantly reduce the download size of prebuilt binaries and slightly reduce the final size contribution of Realm to applications.
    • 👌 Improve performance of accessing RLMArray properties and creating objects with List properties.

    🛠 Bugfixes

    • 🛠 Fix a crash when reading the shared schema from an observed Swift object.
    • 🛠 Fix crashes or incorrect results when passing an array of values to createOrUpdate after reordering the class's properties.
    • Ensure that the initial call of a Results notification block is always passed .Initial even if there is a write transaction between when the notification is added and when the first notification is delivered.
    • 🛠 Fix a crash when deleting all objects in a Realm while fast-enumerating query results from that Realm.
    • 🖐 Handle EINTR from flock() rather than crashing.
    • 🛠 Fix incorrect behavior following a call to [RLMRealm compact].
    • 🛠 Fix live updating and notifications for Results created from a predicate involving an inverse relationship to be triggered when an object at the other end of the relationship is modified.