Realm v5.0.0-alpha.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-11-18 // over 4 years ago
  • Based on 4.1.0.

    ✨ Enhancements

    • ➕ Add -[RLMRealm fileExistsForConfiguration:]/Realm.fileExists(for:), which checks if a local Realm file exists for the given configuration.
    • ➕ Add -[RLMRealm deleteFilesForConfiguration:]/Realm.deleteFiles(for:) to delete the Realm file and all auxiliary files for the given configuration.
    • Storing large binary blobs in Realm files no longer forces the file to be at least 8x the size of the largest blob.
    • ⬇️ Reduce the size of transaction logs stored inside the Realm file, reducing file size growth from large transactions.

    NOTE: This version bumps the Realm file format to version 10. It is not ⬇️ possible to downgrade version 9 or earlier. Files created with older versions ⬆️ of Realm will be automatically upgraded. This automatic upgrade process is not ✅ yet well tested. Do not open Realm files with data you care about with this alpha version.

    💥 Breaking Changes

    • Files containing Date properties written by version of Realm prior to 1.0 can no longer be opened.
    • Files containing Any properties can no longer be opened. This property type was never documented and was deprecated in 1.0.


    • ⬆️ File format: Generates Realms with format v10 (Reads and upgrades v9)
    • Realm Object Server: 3.21.0 or later.
    • 🚀 APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 4.x.y series.
    • 🚀 Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 11.3.
    • 🚀 Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 11.2.1.


    • ⬆️ Upgraded realm-core from 5.23.6 to v6.0.0-alpha.24.
    • ⬆️ Upgraded realm-sync from 4.8.2 to 4.7.1-core6.5.