Stencil v0.9.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-04-18 // about 7 years ago
  • ✨ Enhancements

    • 👍 for block now can contain where expression to filter array items. For example {% for item in items where item > 1 %} is now supported.
    • if blocks may now contain else if (elif) conditions.
      {% if one or two and not three %}
        one or two but not three
      {% elif four %}
      {% else %}
        not one, two, or four
      {% endif %}
    • for block now allows you to iterate over array of tuples or dictionaries.
      {% for key,value in thing %}
        <li>{{ key }}: {{ value }}</li>
      {% endfor %}

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • You can now use literal filter arguments which contain quotes. #98