SwiftGen-Storyboard v0.8.0 Release Notes

    • ๐Ÿ‘€ Introducing alternative way to install SwiftGen: using CocoaPods! See README for more details.
      Olivier Halligon #95
    • โž• Added support for JSON (colors.json) files as input for the swiftgen colors subcommand.
      Derek Ostrander
    • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Use String(format:locale:arguments:) and the NSLocale.currentLocale() in the "string" templates so that it works with .stringdict files and pluralization.
      Olivier Halligon #91
    • โž• Add support for Android colors.xml files as input for the swiftgen colors subcommand.
      Olivier Halligon #15
    • โœ‚ Removed the useless import Foundation from the "images" templates.
      Olivier Halligon
    • โž• Added computed property var color: UIColor to the color templates.
      Olivier Halligon