SwiftMessages v3.5.0 Release Notes

  • 🔋 Features

    • ➕ Added SwiftMessages.hideCounted(id:) method of hiding. The counted method hides when the number of calls to show() and hideCounted(id:) for a given message ID are equal. This can be useful for messages that may be 👉 shown from multiple code paths to ensure that all paths are ready to hide.

    Also added SwiftMessages.count(id:) to get the current count and SwiftMessages.set(id:count:) to set the current count.

    • ➕ Added ways to retrieve message views currently being shown, hidden, or queued to be shown.
      // Get a message view with the given ID if it is currently 
      // being shown or hidden.
      if let view = SwiftMessages.current(id: "some id") { ... }
      // Get a message view with the given ID if is it currently 
      // queued to be shown. 
      if let view = SwiftMessages.queued(id: "some id") { ... }
      // Get a message view with the given ID if it is currently being
      // shown, hidden or in the queue to be shown.
      if let view = SwiftMessages.currentOrQueued(id: "some id") { ... }

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • 🛠 Fix #116 for message views that don't adopt the Identifiable protocol by using the memory address as the ID.
    • 🛠 Fix #113 MessageView not hiding
    • 🛠 Fix #87 Support manual install