
Parsing JSON data is fundamental to any iOS app that performs remote REST API calls.

Thanks to the Codable protocols introduced in Swift 4, Swift has a native and idiomatic way to parse JSON data.

Paired with the JSONDecoder class, the Decodable protocol allows straightforward JSON decoding in a few lines of code and more sophisticated techniques to handle all the possible data formats and edge cases.
JSON data is not always homogenous. There are instances in which a JSON object field can contain objects containing different information.

In such cases, the Swift type for the decoding must be determined dynamically.
JSON data is rarely flat and often contains nested objects.

Nested JSON data can be decoded in Swift using the `Decodable` protocol and the `JSONDecoder` class.

However, how you decode nested JSON objects depends on the final result you want to obtain.
JSON object with dynamic keys presents a specific challenge when decoding data in Swift because stored properties cannot represent dynamic keys.

However, it’s still possible to decode JSON with dynamic keys using the Decodable protocol into dictionaries or arrays by implementing structures that conform to the CodingKey protocol.
Fetching and parsing the JSON data returned by a URL is straightforward in Swift, thanks to the JSONDecoder and URLSession classes of the Foundation framework.
Since Swift 4, the recommended way to parse JSON data is to use the `Codable` protocols with the `JSONEncoder` and `JSONDecoder` classes.

However, this method requires creating Swift model types that match the JSON data structure you need to decode.

Sometimes, you might want to avoid creating extra Swift types if you only need to read some of the information in the JSON data locally.
Apps often need to read the content of JSON files for different reasons.

You can save static JSON data inside an Xcode project to populate your app or use it in SwiftUI previews.

Apps can also save data inside the device’s documents directory.
JSON data is often not human-readable because web servers strip all white space to save bandwidth.

Converting JSON data into a formatted string helps build decodable Swift types and is useful when debugging and testing an app’s code.
The Date type is a Codable type in Swift. However, dates are not straightforward to decode, like other types conforming to the Codable protocol, because the default format used by JSONDecoder is not standard in JSON.

Dates can be encoded using different formats in JSON data. To handle all these formats, the JSONDecoder class has a dateDecodingStrategy property, which can be configured with several decoding strategies according to the date format you must decode.
You can make a REST API call in Swift in just three lines of code thanks to URLSession and async/await.

However, implementing a networking layer in a full-fledged app presents several architectural pitfalls.

In this article we will see how REST works, how to perform API calls in a SwiftUI app, and the best way to architect the networking layer of an iOS app.
A Swift dictionary stores and access data with logical relationships, holding any number of key-value pairs as long as the keys are unique.
Many modern iOS apps are connected to the internet.

When you need to download or upload data, URLSession is the solution.

Together with other types, URLSession not only transfers data over a network but also groups transfers together.
Conditionals are a fundamental part of programming in Swift.

The first conditional statement you learn is the if statement. It’s not the only one, though, nor is it the most used.

Another example is a guard statement. Guard statements are often much more common than if statements.
URLs are omnipresent in today’s world, and iOS apps are no exception.

The URLs you use in Swift can identify different resources. The most common examples are web content, local files, and REST API endpoints.

The way you handle a URL in Swift depends on two things. The resource it identifies and how you manage the resource in the architecture of your app.
Arrays are the most commonly used data type in Swift and other programming languages. You will often use arrays to organize your app’s data as they are the most versatile data structure.
The ternary operator is a conditional operator that you can use to write complex conditions using just one line of code. It is straightforward to use and powerful.

In this article, I will highlight the most common use cases of the ternary operator in Swift. I will also review the advantages and disadvantages of writing conditions using the ternary operator instead of if-else statements.
Switch statements compare specific values against different cases and execute the block of code associated with the first matching case. You can achieve the same result using an if statement with multiple else clauses, but switch statements are easier to read and understand at a glance.
To be able to do anything interesting, a Swift program needs to take decisions based on whether some condition is true or not. This is done through conditionals.

Swift has several conditionals. The most common one is the if statement, which we will cover in this article.
Learning how to program is not an easy task. But it is straightforward to get started with it by following a very simple Swift tutorial.

The very first program everyone writes is called Hello World. It teaches you the basics of creating and running a program in any language.
Most modern iOS apps need to run code asynchronously.

Asynchronous code can be suspended and resumed later, allowing your app to keep its UI responsive while working on long tasks, like performing network requests to a REST API.

You often run asynchronous code in parallel to make the best use of resources like the cores on your device’s CPU or internet bandwidth.
Becoming an iOS developer gives you access to highly paid jobs. Sadly, the internet is full of advice that can sabotage your career. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn what you need and what you should avoid to become an iOS developer and kickstart your career.