
We’re going to look at a couple of examples how you can use List views to display a dynamic list of data, such as a list of books. We will also learn how to use some of the new features that Apple added to the latest version of SwiftUI in iOS 15, such as pull-to-refresh, a search UI, and an easy way to use async/await to fetch data from asynchronous APIs, such as remote services.
SwiftUI makes it particularly easy to build list views: it just takes three lines to create a simple list! At the same time, SwiftUI’s List view is extremely powerful and versatile, so it pays off to get to know it in a little bit more detail. In this series, I am going to teach you everything you need to know about List views.
This article aims at giving you everything you need to write SwiftUI apps that make use of the new concurrency features in Swift.
async/await is a new experimental language feature in Swift that will make your asynchronous code easier to read. This article explains how to install the experimental Swift compiler toolchain and start exploring this new feature in your SwiftUI apps.
Learn how to connect your SwiftUI app to Firebase and sync data in real time from Firestore.
Learn how to use Combine Publishers and Subscribers to build better UIs in SwiftUI.
How to connect Firestore to a SwiftUI application using an MVVM approach.
How to build a to-do list app using SwiftUI and Firebase.
This article shows how to replicate the iOS Reminders app using SwiftUI and Combine. Subsequent articles will focus on Firebase.