YamlSwift alternatives and similar libraries
Based on the "JSON" category.
Alternatively, view YamlSwift alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using ObjectMapper -
DISCONTINUED. [Deprecated] A shiny JSON parsing library in Swift :sparkles: Loved by many from 2015-2021 -
Reflection based (Dictionary, CKRecord, NSManagedObject, Realm, JSON and XML) object mapping with extensions for Alamofire and Moya with RxSwift or ReactiveSwift -
โ Convert anything into anything in one operation; JSON data into class instances, hex strings into UIColor/NSColor, y/n strings to booleans, arrays and dictionaries of these; anything you can make sense of! -
DISCONTINUED. An extension for Alamofire that converts JSON data into Decodable objects. -
A simple, type safe, failure driven mapping library for serializing JSON to models in Swift 3.0 (Supports Linux) -
Elevate is a JSON parsing framework that leverages Swift to make parsing simple, reliable and composable. -
Auto reflection tool from JSON to Model, user friendly JSON encoder / decoder, aims to never die -
An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using EVReflection -
Create a SwiftUI user interface through a JSON file. The JSON file will contain the structure of the user interface, and the program will create the user interface based on the JSON file.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews
![SaaSHub Logo SaaSHub Logo](https://cdn-b.libhunt.com/assets/partners/saashub-small-09b040e303cf50000aca670e1c77a15c64fc5c073fbdca2665ec2b8b621efc1a.png)
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of YamlSwift or a related project?
Load YAML and JSON documents using Swift.
parses a string of YAML document(s) (or a JSON document) and returns a Yaml
enum value representing that string.
Use Carthage to build and install.
Or use CocoaPods :
Add pod 'Yaml'
to your Podfile
and run pod install
It supports Swift Package Manager.
url: "https://github.com/behrang/YamlSwift.git",
from: "
name: "YourProject",
dependencies: ["Yaml"]),
To use it, you should import it using the following statement:
import Yaml
A Yaml value can be any of these cases:
enum Yaml {
case null
case bool(Bool)
case int(Int)
case double(Double)
case string(String)
case array([Yaml])
case dictionary([Yaml: Yaml])
Yaml.load (String) throws -> Yaml
Takes a string of a YAML document and returns a Yaml
let value = try! Yaml.load("a: 1\nb: 2")
print(value["a"]) // Int(1)
print(value["b"]) // Int(2)
print(value["c"]) // Null
If the input document is invalid or contains more than one YAML document, an error is thrown.
do {
let value = try Yaml.load("a\nb: 2")
catch {
print(error) // expected end, near "b: 2"
Yaml.loadMultiple (String) throws -> [Yaml]
Takes a string of one or more YAML documents and returns [Yaml]
let value = try! Yaml.loadMultiple("---\na: 1\nb: 2\n---\na: 3\nb: 4")
print(value[0]["a"]) // Int(1)
print(value[1]["a"]) // Int(3)
It will throw an error if an error is encountered in any of the documents.
Yaml#[Int] -> Yaml
value[Int] -> Yaml
value[Int] = Yaml
If used on a Yaml.array
value, it will return the value at the specified index. If the index is invalid or the value is not a Yaml.array
, Yaml.null
is returned. You can also set a value at a specific index. Enough elements will be added to the wrapped array to set the specified index. If the value is not a Yaml.array
, it will change to it after set.
var value = try! Yaml.load("- Behrang\n- Maryam")
print(value[0]) // String(Behrang)
print(value[1]) // String(Maryam)
print(value[2]) // Null
value[2] = "Radin"
print(value[2]) // String(Radin)
Yaml#[Yaml] -> Yaml
value[Yaml] -> Yaml
value[Yaml] = Yaml
If used on a Yaml.dictionary
value, it will return the value for the specified key. If a value for the specified key does not exist, or value is not a Yaml.dictionary
, Yaml.null
is returned. You can also set a value for a specific key. If the value is not a Yaml.dictionary
, it will change to it after set.
Since Yaml
is a literal convertible type, you can pass simple values to this method.
var value = try! Yaml.load("first name: Behrang\nlast name: Noruzi Niya")
print(value["first name"]) // String(Behrang)
print(value["last name"]) // String(Noruzi Niya)
print(value["age"]) // Null
value["first name"] = "Radin"
value["age"] = 1
print(value["first name"]) // String(Radin)
print(value["last name"]) // String(Noruzi Niya)
print(value["age"]) // Int(1)
value.bool -> Bool?
Returns an Optional<Bool>
value. If the value is a Yaml.bool
value, the wrapped value is returned. Otherwise nil
is returned.
let value = try! Yaml.load("animate: true\nshow tip: false\nusage: 25")
print(value["animate"].bool) // Optional(true)
print(value["show tip"].bool) // Optional(false)
print(value["usage"].bool) // nil
value.int -> Int?
Returns an Optional<Int>
value. If the value is a Yaml.int
value, the wrapped value is returned. Otherwise nil
is returned.
let value = try! Yaml.load("a: 1\nb: 2.0\nc: 2.5")
print(value["a"].int) // Optional(1)
print(value["b"].int) // Optional(2)
print(value["c"].int) // nil
value.double -> Double?
Returns an Optional<Double>
value. If the value is a Yaml.double
value, the wrapped value is returned. Otherwise nil
is returned.
let value = try! Yaml.load("a: 1\nb: 2.0\nc: 2.5\nd: true")
print(value["a"].double) // Optional(1.0)
print(value["b"].double) // Optional(2.0)
print(value["c"].double) // Optional(2.5)
print(value["d"].double) // nil
value.string -> String?
Returns an Optional<String>
value. If the value is a Yaml.string
value, the wrapped value is returned. Otherwise nil
is returned.
let value = try! Yaml.load("first name: Behrang\nlast name: Noruzi Niya\nage: 33")
print(value["first name"].string) // Optional("Behrang")
print(value["last name"].string) // Optional("Noruzi Niya")
print(value["age"].string) // nil
value.array -> [Yaml]?
Returns an Optional<Array<Yaml>>
value. If the value is a Yaml.array
value, the wrapped value is returned. Otherwise nil
is returned.
let value = try! Yaml.load("languages:\n - Swift: true\n - Objective C: false")
print(value.array) // nil
print(value["languages"].array) // Optional([Dictionary([String(Swift): Bool(true)]), Dictionary([String(Objective C): Bool(false)])])
value.dictionary -> [Yaml: Yaml]?
Returns an Optional<Dictionary<Yaml, Yaml>>
value. If the value is a Yaml.dictionary
value, the wrapped value is returned. Otherwise nil
is returned.
let value = try! Yaml.load("- Swift: true\n- Objective C: false")
print(value.dictionary) // nil
print(value[0].dictionary) // Optional([String(Swift): Bool(true)])
value.count -> Int?
Returns an Optional<Int>
value. If the value is either a Yaml.array
or a Yaml.dictionary
value, the count of elements is returned. Otherwise nil
is returned.
let value = try! Yaml.load("- Swift: true\n- Objective C: false")
print(value.count) // Optional(2)
print(value[0].count) // Optional(1)
print(value[0]["Swift"].count) // nil
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the YamlSwift README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.