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Parser libraries

Showing projects tagged as Parser

  • ReadabilityKit

    6.7 0.0 Swift
    Preview extractor for news, articles and full-texts in Swift
  • CodableAlamofire

    6.4 0.0 Swift
    An extension for Alamofire that converts JSON data into Decodable objects.
  • Marshal

    6.2 0.0 L4 Swift
    Marshaling the typeless wild west of [String: Any]
  • ZMarkupParser

    4.0 8.4 Swift
    ZMarkupParser is a pure-Swift library that helps you convert HTML strings into NSAttributedString with customized styles and tags.
  • OysterKit

    3.8 0.0 Swift
    OysterKit is a framework that provides a native Swift scanning, lexical analysis, and parsing capabilities. In addition it provides a language that can be used to rapidly define the rules used by OysterKit called STLR
  • MomXML

    0.6 2.5 Swift
    Create or parse CoreData managed object model XMLs
  • JSONParserSwift

    0.6 0.0 Swift
    Framework for easily parsing your JSON data directly to Swift object.
  • SafeDecoder

    0.4 0.0 Swift
    A Codable extension to decode arrays and to catch & log all decoding failures