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👉↕️📱ContainerController 🧩✨⚙️ is a UI Component Swipe-Panel (Customizable). 💡 The idea is copied from the app: Apple Maps, Stocks. Swift version
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Enable network mocks and more in UI Tests
Featured Library // Category Testing

Awesome Swift Weekly » 444

Top Stories
  • Arctic tundra is now emitting more carbon than it absorbs, US agency says
  • Gen Z's financial angst underlies shift to the right
  • Creating ML models with Create ML

Last 7 Days

🚀 DebugSwift Hits 500 Stars on GitHub! 🎉

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Swift library and command line tool to convert SVGs into SFSymbol, PNG, PDF and Swift source code.
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Model Inheritance in Core Data

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ZMarkupParser is a pure-Swift library that helps you convert HTML strings into NSAttributedString with customized styles and tags.
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Issues adding tapGestures to UIViews

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🧚 Responsive plugin network architecture for RxSwift + Moya + HandyJSON + Plugins.
Featured Library // Category Webserver

CameraView by Mijick

Camera made simple (SwiftUI)
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Apple's use of Swift and SwiftUI in iOS 18

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Telegram Vapor Bot (SDK for creating Telegram Bots in Swift)

🤖 The wrapper for the Telegram Bot API written in Swift. It's not a framework. There is no special syntax here. This is a library that implements all Telegram Bot API methods, which is available to you to work with Vapor, Smoke, Hummingbird, FlyingFox.
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Gen Z's financial angst underlies shift to the right

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Last 30 Days


Collection of Swift-extensions to boost development process.
Featured Library // Category UI


GameControllerKit is a Swift package that makes it easy to work with game controllers on iOS, macOS, and tvOS. It provides a simple API to connect to game controllers, read input from them, and control their lights and haptics.
Featured Library // Category Games

Creating ML models with Create ML

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Awesome Swift Weekly » 443

Top Stories
  • Native Swift on Android, Part 2: Your First Swift Android App
  • Anyone have any idea if he is using a software to create this view or if he is just setting it up in a video editor of some kind?
  • Beyond JavaScript: The Swift Path to iOS Development

Colors Extension

Colors is a Swift Package to enable all system colors in SwiftUI trough a Color extension. Colors which were previously only available in UIColor/NSColor are now available in Color as well.
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Integrating Live Activity and Dynamic Island in iOS — Part 2

We’ll take things further by adding advanced functionality to elevate the user experience. We’ll learn how to:

- Animate updates for smoother transitions.
- Handling live activity from a push notification.
Article Added by: canopas_user //


A Swift test double library. Guava - looks like an apple but it's not.
Featured Library // Category Testing


Create a SwiftUI user interface through a JSON file. The JSON file will contain the structure of the user interface, and the program will create the user interface based on the JSON file.
Featured Library // Category JSON

Admob for SwiftUI

This library helps you to easily integrate the Admob SDK in your SwiftUI app. It is a wrapper around the Google Mobile Ads SDK for iOS. It provides a SwiftUI view that you can use to display banner ads in your app above your tabbar.
Featured Library // Category Menu


OSLogViewer is made for viewing your apps OS_Log history, it is a SwiftUI view which can be used in your app to view and export your logs.
Featured Library // Category Utility


CachedAsyncImage is a Swift Package for asynchronously loading images from the web and caching them.
Featured Library // Category Cache


OnboardingKit is a SwiftUI package that helps you create onboarding experiences for your app. It provides a set of views that you can use to create a welcome screen, a what's new screen, and a set of onboarding screens.
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