SwiftGen-Storyboard v4.1.0 Release Notes

  • ๐Ÿ†• New Features

    • โž• Added a script reference to simplify and automate localization of existing non localized project.
    • โž• Added a storyboards-osx-swift3 template.
      Felix Lisczyk #225
    • โž• Added a strings-no-comments-swift3 template that does not include the default translation of each key.
      Loรฏs Di Qual #222
    • Images: new dot-syntax template, use dot-syntax-swift3 or dot-syntax (for Swift 2.3).
      David Jennes #206
    • Reworked the "dot-syntax" and "structured" templates to use the new macro and call tags, which greatly simplifies the templates, and also removes the limitation of 5-level deep structures.
      David Jennes #237
    • Storyboards: automatically detect the correct modules that need to be imported. The --import option has therefore been deprecated, as well as the extraImports template variable. Instead use the the new modules variable, which offers the same functionality.
      David Jennes #243
    • ๐Ÿ‘Œ Support multiple input paths for some commands.
      David Jennes #213
      • fonts accepts multiple input directories, all found fonts will be added to the families template variable.
      • images now supports multiple asset catalogs as input. Templates can now use the catalogs variable to access each individual catalog.
      • storyboards accepts multiple paths (to folders or storyboard files). All found storyboards will be available in the storyboards template variable.

    ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

    Internal changes

    • ๐Ÿ‘ Better error handling in the colors command.
      David Jennes #227
    • ๐Ÿ‘€ Stencil: added two new tags macro and call, see the documentation. for in depth explanations on how to use them.
      David Jennes #237
    • SwiftLint: Remove switch_case_on_newline warning for generated color file.
      Mickael Titeca #239
    • โœ… Stencil: better string filter testing and fixed a small issue with lowerFirstWord.
      David Jennes #245