







40 JSON libraries and projects

  • Gloss

    8.1 5.9 L5 Swift
    DISCONTINUED. [Deprecated] A shiny JSON parsing library in Swift :sparkles: Loved by many from 2015-2021
  • ObjectMapper

    9.8 5.4 L4 Swift
    Simple JSON Object mapping written in Swift
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  • Arrow

    4.9 4.9 L4 Swift
    ๐Ÿน Parse JSON with style
  • Arrow ๐Ÿน

    4.9 4.9 L4 Swift
    ๐Ÿน Parse JSON with style
  • HandyJSON

    9.4 0.0 L4 Swift
    A handy swift json-object serialization/deserialization library
  • Argo

    9.1 0.0 L5 Swift
    Functional JSON parsing library for Swift
  • CodableAlamofire

    6.4 0.0 Swift
    DISCONTINUED. An extension for Alamofire that converts JSON data into Decodable objects.
  • JSONHelper

    6.5 0.0 L5 Swift
    โœŒ Convert anything into anything in one operation; JSON data into class instances, hex strings into UIColor/NSColor, y/n strings to booleans, arrays and dictionaries of these; anything you can make sense of!

    5.3 0.0 Swift
    Pure Swift JSON encoding/decoding library
  • SwiftyJSON

    10.0 4.1 L4 Swift
    The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift.
  • AlamofireObjectMapper

    8.9 0.0 L5 Swift
    An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using ObjectMapper
  • ModelRocket

    5.2 0.0 L4 Swift
    An iOS framework for creating JSON-based models. Written in Swift.
  • Pistachio

    3.1 0.0 L5 Swift
    DISCONTINUED. Generic model framework for Swift.
  • PPJSONSerialization

    1.2 0.0 L3 Swift
    The Ultimate JSON Serialization for Swift.
  • SwiftJSONParser

    1.7 0.0 L5 Swift
    Parse JSON like a badass
  • SwiftMapper

    2.8 0.0 L5 Swift
  • Tailor

    4.0 0.0 L3 Swift
    :necktie:A super fast & convenient object mapper tailored for your needs
  • Unbox

    8.4 0.0 L2 Swift
    DISCONTINUED. The easy to use Swift JSON decoder.
  • YamlSwift

    5.6 1.6 L2 Swift
    Load YAML and JSON documents using Swift
  • Brick

    2.0 0.0 L4 Swift
    :droplet: A generic view model for both basic and complex scenarios
  • Elevate

    6.0 0.0 L2 Swift
    Elevate is a JSON parsing framework that leverages Swift to make parsing simple, reliable and composable.
  • JsonSwiftson

    0.7 0.0 L5 Swift
    A JSON parser with concise API written in Swift.
  • Freddy

    7.5 0.0 L4 Swift
    DISCONTINUED. A reusable framework for parsing JSON in Swift.
  • JSONFeed

    0.7 0.0 Swift
    JSONFeed parser for swift
  • JSONParserSwift

    0.6 0.0 Swift
    DISCONTINUED. Framework for easily parsing your JSON data directly to Swift object.
  • Marshal

    6.2 0.0 L4 Swift
    Marshaling the typeless wild west of [String: Any]
  • SafeDecoder

    0.5 0.0 Swift
    A Codable extension to decode arrays and to catch & log all decoding failures
  • AlamofireJsonToObjects

    3.6 0.0 L4 Swift
    An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using EVReflection
  • Alembic

    2.8 0.0 L4 Swift
    :alembic: Functional JSON Parser - Linux Ready :penguin:
  • Alexander

    1.7 0.0 L4 Swift
    DISCONTINUED. An extremely simple JSON helper written in Swift.
  • Decodable

    7.0 0.0 L5 Swift
    [Probably deprecated] Swift 2/3 JSON unmarshalling done (more) right
  • EVReflection

    7.1 0.0 L2 Swift
    Reflection based (Dictionary, CKRecord, NSManagedObject, Realm, JSON and XML) object mapping with extensions for Alamofire and Moya with RxSwift or ReactiveSwift
  • Genome

    6.4 0.0 L4 Swift
    A simple, type safe, failure driven mapping library for serializing JSON to models in Swift 3.0 (Supports Linux)
  • Himotoki

    6.5 0.0 L5 Swift
    A type-safe JSON decoding library purely written in Swift

    7.0 0.0 L5 Swift
    Fast JSON parsing for Swift
  • json-swift

    6.4 0.0 L4 Swift
    A basic library for working with JSON in Swift.
  • JSONCodable

    5.9 0.0 L5 Swift
    Hassle-free JSON encoding and decoding in Swift
  • JSONNeverDie

    5.4 0.0 L5 Swift
    Auto reflection tool from JSON to Model, user friendly JSON encoder / decoder, aims to never die
  • Sextant

    1.6 4.7 Swift
    High performance JSONPath queries for Swift
  • DynamicUI

    0.8 8.1 Swift
    Create a SwiftUI user interface through a JSON file. The JSON file will contain the structure of the user interface, and the program will create the user interface based on the JSON file.

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