Data Management libraries

Showing projects tagged as Data Management

  • swift-algorithm-club

    10.0 0.0 L3 Swift
    Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations!
  • SwiftyJSON

    10.0 4.2 L4 Swift
    The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift.
  • FMDB v2.7

    9.9 5.2 L1 Objective-C
    A Cocoa / Objective-C wrapper around SQLite
  • Realm

    9.9 9.1 L2 Objective-C
    Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
  • ObjectMapper

    9.8 5.3 L4 Swift
    Simple JSON Object mapping written in Swift
  • SQLite.swift

    9.8 6.7 L4 Swift
    A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3.
  • GRDB.swift

    9.6 9.3 L1 Swift
    A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
  • LeetCode_Swift

    9.5 4.3 L4 Swift
    Solutions to LeetCode by Swift
  • HandyJSON

    9.4 0.0 L4 Swift
    A handy swift json-object serialization/deserialization library
  • SwiftyUserDefaults

    9.4 0.0 L5 Swift
    Modern Swift API for NSUserDefaults
  • CoreStore

    9.2 5.3 L2 Swift
    Unleashing the real power of Core Data with the elegance and safety of Swift
  • Argo

    9.1 0.0 L5 Swift
    Functional JSON parsing library for Swift
  • AlamofireObjectMapper

    8.9 0.0 L5 Swift
    An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using ObjectMapper
  • Zip

    8.8 2.1 L2 Swift
    Swift framework for zipping and unzipping files.
  • Disk

    8.8 0.0 Swift
    Delightful framework for iOS to easily persist structs, images, and data
  • FileKit

    8.6 0.0 L4 Swift
    Simple and expressive file management in Swift
  • Zip Foundation

    8.5 7.8 Swift
    Effortless ZIP Handling in Swift
  • SugarRecord

    8.5 0.0 L5 Swift
    CoreData/Realm sweet wrapper written in Swift
  • Unbox

    8.4 0.0 L2 Swift
    DISCONTINUED. The easy to use Swift JSON decoder.
  • Gloss

    8.1 5.9 L5 Swift
    DISCONTINUED. [Deprecated] A shiny JSON parsing library in Swift :sparkles: Loved by many from 2015-2021
  • FileBrowser

    8.0 0.0 L5 Swift
    Finder-style iOS file browser written in Swift
  • Defaults

    8.0 6.3 Swift
    💾 Swifty and modern UserDefaults
  • SWXMLHash

    7.8 3.1 L5 Swift
    Simple XML parsing in Swift
  • PathKit

    7.8 0.0 L4 Swift
    Effortless path operations in Swift
  • fluent

    7.7 5.5 L4 Swift
    Vapor ORM (queries, models, and relations) for NoSQL and SQL databases
  • DefaultsKit

    7.6 0.0 Swift
    Simple, Strongly Typed UserDefaults for iOS, macOS and tvOS
  • QueryKit

    7.6 0.0 L5 Swift
    A simple CoreData query language for Swift and Objective-C.
  • Freddy

    7.5 0.0 L4 Swift
    DISCONTINUED. A reusable framework for parsing JSON in Swift.

    7.4 5.3 L4 Swift
    Swift minion for simple and lightweight XML parsing
  • Fuzi

    7.4 0.0 L4 Swift
    A fast & lightweight XML & HTML parser in Swift with XPath & CSS support