ViewAnimator alternatives and similar libraries
Based on the "Animation" category.
Alternatively, view ViewAnimator alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
☠️ An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents they are awaiting -
Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable. -
A UICollectionViewLayout subclass that adds custom transitions/animations to the UICollectionView without effecting your existing code. -
A Swift library to take the power of UIView.animateWithDuration(_:, animations:...) to a whole new level - layers, springs, chain-able animations and mixing view and layer animations together! -
:bookmark_tabs: Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages. -
Fluid Slider
:octocat:💧 A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion -
ZoomTransitioning provides a custom transition with image zooming animation and swiping the screen edge. -
:octocat: Navigation toolbar is a slide-modeled UI navigation controller made by @Ramotion -
List a collection of items in a horizontally scrolling view. A scaling factor controls the size of the items relative to the center. -
Garland View
:octocat: ≡ GarlandView seamlessly transitions between multiple lists of content. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion -
Widgets iOS 14 animation with 3D and dynamic shadow. Customisable transform and duration. -
Numbers Animation
Numbers animation allows you to click on different numbers and accordingly it will animate numbers in a cool way. It has a very attractive UI and is very easy to use. -
CircularReveal is a SwiftUI modifier that allows presenting views with a circular animation
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of ViewAnimator or a related project?
ViewAnimator is a library for building complex iOS UIView animations in an easy way. It provides one line animations for any view included the ones which contain other views like UITableView and UICollectionView with its cells or UIStackView with its arrangedSubviews.
Entire View UITableView UICollectionView
SVG animations inspired by Luke Zhao's project Hero
Complex Layouts
UI created by Messaki, make sure to check out his profile.
Logo and banner created by @cintia_ve
ViewAnimator is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "ViewAnimator"
Drop the swift files inside of ViewAnimator/Classes into your project.
github "marcosgriselli/ViewAnimator"
provides a set of UIView
extensions to easily add custom animations to your views. From version 2.0.0
there are two ways to use this extension.
Self animating views
Views can animate theirselves calling .animate(animations: [Animation])
that's the most basic usage. Here's the full method that contains many default arguments:
func animate(animations: [Animation],
reversed: Bool = false,
initialAlpha: CGFloat = 0.0,
finalAlpha: CGFloat = 1.0,
delay: Double = 0,
duration: TimeInterval = ViewAnimatorConfig.duration,
usingSpringWithDamping dampingRatio: CGFloat = ViewAnimatorConfig.springDampingRatio,
initialSpringVelocity velocity: CGFloat = ViewAnimatorConfig.initialSpringVelocity,
completion: (() -> Void)? = nil)
Animating multiple views
ViewAnimator follows the UIKit animations API style with a static method UIView.animate(views: [UIView], animations: [Animation])
. This makes the library really easy to use and extensible to any kind of view. As the previous example, the method contains a lot of default arguments:
static func animate(views: [UIView],
animations: [Animation],
reversed: Bool = false,
initialAlpha: CGFloat = 0.0,
finalAlpha: CGFloat = 1.0,
delay: Double = 0,
animationInterval: TimeInterval = 0.05,
duration: TimeInterval = ViewAnimatorConfig.duration,
usingSpringWithDamping dampingRatio: CGFloat = ViewAnimatorConfig.springDampingRatio,
initialSpringVelocity velocity: CGFloat = ViewAnimatorConfig.initialSpringVelocity,
completion: (() -> Void)? = nil)
provides the axis where the animation should take place and its movement direction.
let animation = AnimationType.from(direction: .top, offset: 30.0)
view.animate(animations: [animation])
Zoom in and Zoom out animation support.
let animation = AnimationType.zoom(scale: 0.5)
view.animate(animations: [animation])
Combined Animations
You can combine conformances of Animation
to apply multiple transforms on your animation block.
let fromAnimation = AnimationType.from(direction: .right, offset: 30.0)
let zoomAnimation = AnimationType.zoom(scale: 0.2)
let rotateAnimation = AnimationType.rotate(angle: CGFloat.pi/6)
UIView.animate(views: collectionView.visibleCells,
animations: [zoomAnimation, rotateAnimation],
duration: 0.5)
UIView.animate(views: tableView.visibleCells,
animations: [fromAnimation, zoomAnimation],
delay: 0.5)
protocol provides you the posibility of expanding the animations supported by ViewAnimator
with exception of the animateRandom
public protocol Animation {
var initialTransform: CGAffineTransform { get }
UITableView/UICollection extensions
ViewAnimator comes with a set of handy extensions to make your animations in UITableView
and UICollectionView
a lot simpler. They both have access to cells in a section to animate easily.
They both expose a method visibleCells(in section: Int)
that returns an array of UITableViewCell
or UICollectionViewCell
let cells = tableView.visibleCells(in: 1)
UIView.animate(views: cells, animations: [rotateAnimation, fadeAnimation])
- iOS Dev Weekly 323
- Natasha The Robot's Newsleter 147
- Top 10 Swift Articles October
- 30 Amazing iOS Swift Libraries (v2018)
Project Details
- Swift 4.0
- Xcode 7.0+
- iOS 8.0+
Feel free to collaborate with ideas 💭, issues ⁉️ and/or pull requests 🔃.
If you use ViewAnimator in your app I'd love to hear about it and feature your animation here!
Marcos Griselli | @marcosgriselli
ViewAnimator is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the ViewAnimator README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.